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金融分析师 Edward Dowd 与统计学家一起分析疾病预防控制中心的数据,他得出结论,自从疫苗推广开始以来,到目前为止,美国有110万人超额死亡。对于邪恶的全球主义者来说,即使10-20亿人死于疫苗也是不够的。对全球主义者来说,不幸的是,疫苗灭绝计划未能实现他们人

口减少的里程碑。尽管在接下来的十年里,可能会有10-20亿人死于 mRNA 疫苗(心脏病发作、中风、血栓等) ,但这远远不及人口减少全球主义者试图实现的70多亿人的死亡。

Financial analyst Edward Dowd, who works with statisticians that are analyzing CDC data, has concluded there are so far 1.1 million excess deaths in the United States since the vaccine push began. Even 1-2 billion deaths from the vaccine isn't enough for the satanic globalists. Unfortunately for the globalists, the vaccine extermination agenda failed to achieve their depopulation milestones. Although 1-2 billion people will likely die from mRNA vaccines over the next decade (from heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, etc.), this is nowhere near the 7+ billion deaths that the depopulation globalists are trying to achieve.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 金融分析师 Edward Dowd 与统计学家一起分析疾病预防控制中心的数据,他得出结论,自从疫苗推广开始以来,到目前为止,美国有110万人超额死亡。对于邪恶的全球主义者来说,即使10-20亿人死于疫苗也是不够的。对全球主义者来说,不幸的是,疫苗灭绝计划未能实现他们人

    口减少的里程碑。尽管在接下来的十年里,可能会有10-20亿人死于 mRNA 疫苗(心脏病发作、中风、血栓等) ,但这远远不及人口减少全球主义者试图实现的70多亿人的死亡。

    Financial analyst Edward Dowd, who works with statisticians that are analyzing CDC data, has concluded there are so far 1.1 million excess deaths in the United States since the vaccine push began. Even 1-2 billion deaths from the vaccine isn't enough for the satanic globalists. Unfortunately for the globalists, the vaccine extermination agenda failed to achieve their depopulation milestones. Although 1-2 billion people will likely die from mRNA vaccines over the next decade (from heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, etc.), this is nowhere near the 7+ billion deaths that the depopulation globalists are trying to achieve.

    • 武汉病毒爆发以来,美国因此死亡共98万,其中40岁以下死亡2万3千人, 40岁至50岁死亡4万2千人,其余的91万多人是50岁以上人口。世界人民即使嘴上不说,心里也怨恨中国引发病毒,毒死他们的父母。土共邪恶散布甩锅言论,颠倒是非,更激起民愤。 +6
      • 是的,没有病毒就没有疫苗就没有因疫苗而死伤的人!病毒溯源很重要‼️ +4
        • 溯源,省得有人总是“武汉”“武汉”个不停 +1
          • 如果不是来自武汉,中共早就开放实验室,早已查出源头了。参看他们上海筛查连狗猫鱼嘴巴都不放过。 +4