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Some may criticize the Danish study for not yet being peer-reviewed, but ithas been. It was peer-reviewed by me and several colleagues, and all of ushave decades of experience with these types of studies. That it has not yetbeen peer-reviewed by anonymous journal reviewers is inconsequential.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 最新柳叶刀文章,mRNA证明对降低死亡无效 +2


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    • 1.粗看了一下文章,是研究该疫苗宏观对降低其它疾病的死亡无效。白喉、破伤风百日咳三联疫苗也是如此。 但文章特意提到该疫苗仍然有效保护COVID-19死亡: “protecting against fatal COVID-19”。2.是投稿给柳叶刀,还没有被同行审阅和发表 +2
      • LOL降低了covid死亡又没有降低总体死亡不就是增加非covid死亡?不过该文主要在为腺病毒疫苗降低死亡站台。 +3
      • 论文对比的是总死亡率,包括新冠和非新冠死亡,mRNA疫苗组和对照组死亡率没区别,腺病毒载体疫苗到是降低了死亡率。
        • 看图:总体没区别,但是降低了covid死亡率,抬高了心血管等其他非covid死亡率。 +3


      • Peer-reviewed过了,你的理解也不正确 +1
        Some may criticize the Danish study for not yet being peer-reviewed, but ithas been. It was peer-reviewed by me and several colleagues, and all of ushave decades of experience with these types of studies. That it has not yetbeen peer-reviewed by anonymous journal reviewers is inconsequential.
    • even pfizer's own trial has more death on vaxx arm than the other. Truth is coming out. But don't worry too much, human body is quite resilient against damage, just NO MORE SHOT! +1