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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


The recent and sudden rise of liver damage and hepatitis in children seems to be affecting those between the ages of 1mo – 4 years of age.

What they arent telling the public is that the majority of the cases are those under 4 years of age who are breastfed and who have been actively breastfed (within the last 12 months). The children are unvaccinated, but the breastfeeding mothers (in 100% of the cases) have been vaccinated with at least 2 doses.

The incidences of hepatitis is also hitting the 11 – 16 year old age group, with the majority of the cases in that group having been vaccinated with at least one dose.





News headlines and mainstream media titles are stating that unvaccinated children are getting hepatitis and liver damage from an unknown cause (or speculating adenoviruses as the cause) but fail to mention that actual case data shows that the WHO classifies children involved in this issue fall under the ages of 0 – 16 years of age, that the majority of cases are in the 1 month – 4 year old age group, and that 100% of the cases in that age range are being active breastfed (or have been breastfed within the last 12 months) by fully vaccinated mothers.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 现在有消息,未知的儿童肝炎,和打了疫苗的母亲,母乳喂养有关。或者儿童自己打了疫苗 +9

    The recent and sudden rise of liver damage and hepatitis in children seems to be affecting those between the ages of 1mo – 4 years of age.

    What they arent telling the public is that the majority of the cases are those under 4 years of age who are breastfed and who have been actively breastfed (within the last 12 months). The children are unvaccinated, but the breastfeeding mothers (in 100% of the cases) have been vaccinated with at least 2 doses.

    The incidences of hepatitis is also hitting the 11 – 16 year old age group, with the majority of the cases in that group having been vaccinated with at least one dose.





    News headlines and mainstream media titles are stating that unvaccinated children are getting hepatitis and liver damage from an unknown cause (or speculating adenoviruses as the cause) but fail to mention that actual case data shows that the WHO classifies children involved in this issue fall under the ages of 0 – 16 years of age, that the majority of cases are in the 1 month – 4 year old age group, and that 100% of the cases in that age range are being active breastfed (or have been breastfed within the last 12 months) by fully vaccinated mothers.

    • 可见,新冠杀老疫苗害小 -itwriting(halfpercent); 5-4 +6
    • 政府强迫人民当大药厂的实验品。 +9
    • 政府宣传儿童疫苗太好了,所以有很多打了疫苗的母亲,主动母乳喂养不到接种年龄,不能打疫苗的儿童,希望把抗体传给他们 +5
      "Even if it's a 1% benefit to him to keep him well, I'll keep doing it," said vaccinated Fort Worth mom Brooke Scogin, who'll continue to breastfeed her baby.
      • 1% benefit , no harm, by common sense, the thing need to be very "thin", and by common sense, it's very unlikely +1
      • 抗体本身是无法母婴传递的。这不是这样了嘛? +1
    • 看BBC,妓者疯狂地护苗贴 +3
      None of the affected children in the UK had been vaccinated because they were too young to be eligible.
      • MSM journalism is dead. +5
    • Sickkids说可能和感染有关,不是和疫苗有关 +2
      • 现在这个时代是测试一个人的智商的时代,自己看信息,自己做出选择,孩子会为父母的选择付出不同的代价。 +17
      • Just like this 👇 +4



    • 人类在自己毁灭 +3
    • 安省儿童医院医生写的文章,隐晦说到儿童肝炎和疫苗有关,希望政府不要有偏见的干扰调查 +11
      Nevertheless, several reports have associated autoimmune hepatitis-like conditions with COVID-19 vaccines. It remains crucial that all etiologies should be rigorously explored without bias at this stage. I
      • 疫苗奶比三聚氰胺奶粉事件恶劣100倍吧,政府肯定要掩盖的 +4
        • 三聚氰胺奶粉是吃一个,中一个,是100%中。所有疫苗都有一定有有效率和副作用概率的,但是一般副作用的概率很低。
          • 疫苗奶更严重。三聚氰胺奶粉中国是30万人吃了,6个死亡。疫苗奶死亡早就超过6例了,而且母乳喂养的人数也远远超过30万吧。疫苗奶有毒,母乳吃了的人或多或少都有肝部损伤 +3
            • 你是只看死亡率,还有那么多孩子开刀绕幸活下来的不算在毒奶粉中了?
      • 文章里通篇没有病童的疫苗接种数据,专业医生应有的素质就只这样做推论吗?
        • 读了文章没?现在还没结论,只是建议在调查原因时,不排除任何可能,包括与疫苗的关系 +3
          • 不读怎么会知道没有病童疫苗的人头数据?姑且造个数据你们看合适与否





    • 民主政府镇压人民,儿童医院就会坑害儿童,学校就会祸害学生,公司就会祸害员工。。。。 +6
    • 是药三分毒,是人都知道了。 +2
    • 疫情快要过去了,你们还在这里跟疫苗死磕,这是受了多么大的委屈啊?
      • 除痘还在跟疫苗死磕,他的死磕影响了很多社会层面。是否注意到,他去了几次欧洲,照片都不带口罩,一回来,就又戴上了,死磕的是他啊。 +8
    • “There is no evidence of any link to the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. The majority of cases are under 5 years old, and are too young to have received the vaccine.”
      • 打了疫苗的母亲母乳喂养。母乳里面有刺突蛋白,毒性超过三聚氰胺奶粉。三聚氰胺其实是低毒性,大部分人都能代谢掉,幼儿因为代谢功能不完善,才会出问题 +4
        • 分析得头头是道,请问你下结论之前拍脑袋了么?闭上眼睛了没?没闭眼都不算胡说,打回去重来。。。
    • 土豆党的新竞选口号是要给儿童强制疫苗,政府看来是要大力发展儿童换肝产业了 +8


      • 看来是疫苗爱好者的福音。奥地利说换肝成功率100% +4
        • 又带动了一个新行业,换肝。 +3
    • 「不明肝炎」激增,兒童14%需肝移植!和新冠、疫苗有關嗎? +2

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    • 柳叶刀的文章来了, +1
      怀疑是刺突蛋白引起的, 而且是在婴儿肠胃道。打了疫苗的母亲,母乳喂养,肠胃道刺突蛋白多,还是肠胃道病毒的刺突蛋白多,答案是显然的
