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Your Government quietly confirmed the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome while they had you worried about Russia-Ukraine & the Cost of Living

Something is very wrong, and it is because of the Covid-19 injections. All around the world, Governments are publishing official data that all show the same thing. Those same Governments however ar…

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Your Government quietly confirmed the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome while they had you worried about Russia-Ukraine & the Cost of Living +1
    Something is very wrong, and it is because of the Covid-19 injections. All around the world, Governments are publishing official data that all show the same thing. Those same Governments however ar…
    • 引自主贴:“Phase three clinical trials are designed to uncover frequent or severe side effects before a vaccine is approved for use, including ADE. But herein lies the problem, none of the Covid-19 vaccines have completed phase three clinical trials.” +2
      这就是发生的:三期实验未结束,风险未排除,FDA就批准了辉瑞,政府就强迫我们注射这些实验针,包括批准和未批准的。 纳粹德国在二战中曾经强迫犹太人进行人体实验。现在,全人类再次面临这样的暴行。