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斯蒂芬-卡兰加博士是一位直言不讳的活动家,他竭力警告非洲人不要打针,去年神秘地死去,据说是死于 "COVID"。在他去世之前,他警告非洲和世界要小心世卫组织的带毒注射剂。



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 这个有点劲爆,男性疫苗后精子浓度活力都暂时下降. +7


    Looks this vaxx's negative impact would not leave man along.

    • 今天美国cdc批准了给幼儿的疫苗,你不准备喷一喷吗? +4
      • What I am doing is simply present fact, some times fact won't make people comfortable, but would make people thinking. I am sure not many on this board would vaxx their kids under 5. CDC is insane, parents are not. +14
      • 你赶紧给自己孩子打吧。。。。。。 +21
        • I hope not. More fact reveals those simply do not care about other children's safety. Again, CDC is insane but parents are not. +1
    • the written part says it is only temporary but the actual numbers say otherwise. +2
      • 常见骗术,比如列出疫苗无效的数据表格,然后用文字说疫苗有效,多数人看到你列出了数据和结论,就默认你的结论和数据一致,不再仔细看数据。 +5
      • The purpose of an vaccine is to trigger an immune system response. The immune system might decide to decrease the sperm production in order to fight the disease. I don't really see anything wrong with it as long as it is temporary. +1
        Just like many people are getting a temporary fever, headache, etc, after getting the vaccine. It's all part of the immune system response.
        • If not mistaken, the numerical data shows the decline in concentration and motility did not recover. However, in writing they said it recovered.
    • 《不孕不育:邪恶的议程》终于可以在Brighteon.com上观看了,你一定不想错过!这部影片是Andy的心血结晶。

      斯蒂芬-卡兰加博士是一位直言不讳的活动家,他竭力警告非洲人不要打针,去年神秘地死去,据说是死于 "COVID"。在他去世之前,他警告非洲和世界要小心世卫组织的带毒注射剂。
