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《柳叶刀》委员会主席Jeffrey Sachs不久前在业界讨论中谈及新冠的溯源问题:"I'm pretty convinced it came out of U.S lab biotechnology not out of nature":

"Covid-19 likely came from a U.S. lab biotech" Prof. Jeffrey Sachs
Western media have always propagated the idea that the Chinese were 100% to blame for the pandemic. First, it was because of the "disgusting diets" of Chines...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 《柳叶刀》委员会主席Jeffrey Sachs不久前在业界讨论中谈及新冠的溯源问题:"I'm pretty convinced it came out of U.S lab biotechnology not out of nature": +3
    "Covid-19 likely came from a U.S. lab biotech" Prof. Jeffrey Sachs
    Western media have always propagated the idea that the Chinese were 100% to blame for the pandemic. First, it was because of the "disgusting diets" of Chines...
    • 讨论的完整视频(约2个半小时): +1
      Encuentro con Jeffrey Sachs
      En este encuentro exclusivo con Jeffrey Sachs debatimos la situación de loS ODS en el mundo después de la pandemia del COVID-19 y la guerra en Ucrania, desde...
      • 相关资料链接:Questions surrounding the origins of COVID-19 remain unanswered
        Jeffrey D. Sachs & Neil L. Harrison May 31, 2022   |   Boston Globe Why did some components of the Intelligence Community lean toward a laboratory release as the source of the pandemic? It’s not yet clear whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus that caus
    • 西方世界的良知。 +1
      • 那个讨论及相关资料/文章,期间的内容除疫情外有的直接涉及对俄乌战争的看法,估计是与官方口径不符,貌似很大程度上没被主流媒体报道和引发讨论,类似被冷处理,公众知道的很少.....
    • 顶帖上来,有人匿名回贴说是谣言,那有任何针对上面帖子的辟谣信息就请贴出来,让大家见证一下是如何证伪的,那是件好事,没必要匿名,俺也会给个赞。但是若拿不出实锤证据的话不是无知就是胡扯了... +3