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More than twice as many Americans have lost a household member to a Covid vaccine injury as have lost one to Covid.That’s the shocking finding of a new poll of 1,500 Americans carried out by the polling company Pollfish.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛More than twice as many Americans have lost a household member to a Covid vaccine injury as have lost one to Covid.That’s the shocking finding of a new poll of 1,500 Americans carried out by the polling company Pollfish.While 3.6% of respondents said someone in their household had died from COVID-19, 7.9% said one had died as a result of Covid vaccination.The poll also found that 8.5% said they had been injured by their vaccination, 5% that they had sought medical help and 3.3% that they had been hospitalised, the same proportion who said that as a result of vaccination they were no longer able to work a full day or at all. These are percentages of all respondents. If we look only at the 74.3% vaccinated with at least one dose then the figures, as a proportion of vaccinated persons, are 11.5% injured, 6.8% needing medical help, 4.5% hospitalised and 4.5% unable to work. While these figures are self-reported and there is no control group, since the unvaccinated were not asked about adverse events, they are still alarmingly high.The poll also found that, among those who reported a Covid death in their household, more than twice as many reported that it occurred after the person was vaccinated than before (2.4% vs 1.1%). The proportion who said they had contracted Covid before their vaccination (17.5%) was very similar to the proportion who said they contracted it afterwards (15.7%). These figures are not indicative of a highly effective vaccine against either infection or death.The people polled were a randomly selected, representative sample of the U.S. public, of whom 74.3% were vaccinated, so the sample was not inherently biased towards or against the reporting of vaccine problems, though as in all opinion polls there may be an issue of self-selection bias.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 看来找女婿要看疫苗证了。瑞典发表的文章,疫苗mRNA遗传密码可以转录到人体DNA上。女人卵子听说出生时就有所以被反转转录机会小,但男人精子就不同,不想要基因改变孩子得看疫苗证了。 +5
    • 半年前这文章有意或无意产生的误导早被专业人士指出,例如: 0.只是培养液中的实验,与人体无关。1.该实验mRNA对细胞作用浓度超过 疫苗实际打入人体浓度的万倍以上。更大的误导是 2.该实验所谓"逆转录到DNA上",实际指DNA amplicons, 不是指真到基因上(DNA genome) +9

      1. They use 500-2000ng of vaccine on 200,000 cells/well when the entire body of trillions of cells gets 30ng of vaccine.

      Good catch. So 1 ng to 1000 cells on the high end for their experiment vs 1 ng to 1 trillion cells (assuming 30 trillion cells/human). Even if we assume that the vaccine particles get concentrated by 6 orders of magnitude (so 1000000x) in tissues of concern, they're dosing is still off by 3 orders of magnitude (1000x).

      2. Unless you invest the time and have the knowledge to understand the rest of the article, you will misunderstand this sentence to mean that they observed integration of the mRNA into the DNA genome, i.e., becomes part of our permanent DNA. However, this is NOT what it means whatsoever. What it actually means is that they observed that the vaccine mRNA was reverse transcribed into DNA amplicons, i.e., a piece of DNA resulting from the reverse transcription. They did NOT observe any integration into the DNA genome, as they explain near the end of the article: "Our study shows that BNT162b2 can be reverse transcribed to DNA in liver cell line Huh7, and this may give rise to the concern if BNT162b2-derived DNA may be integrated into the host genome and affect the integrity of genomic DNA, which may potentially mediate genotoxic side effects. At this stage, we do not know if DNA reverse transcribed from BNT162b2 is integrated into the cell genome. Further studies are needed to demonstrate the effect of BNT162b2 on genomic integrity, including whole genome sequencing of cells exposed to BNT162b2, as well as tissues from human subjects who received BNT162b2 vaccination."

      另有读者指出:人体细胞中有大量 RNA 和 mRNA。在这篇文章中,作者没有解释通过何种机制逆转录和整合会选择性地偏爱 CoV2 基因组或疫苗而不是其他 RNA。假如这种事情一直在发生,我们应该看到各种细胞 mRNA 转录物随机整合到人们的基因组中,但是事实是没有。

      in any cell, approximately 10-15% of the RNA in the cytoplasm is mRNA. Nowhere in this article do the authors explain by what mechanism reverse transcription and integration would selectively favor either the CoV2 genome or the vaccine over other RNAs.

      So if this kind of thing is happening all the time, then how is life possible at all? We should see all sorts of cellular mRNA transcripts integrating into the genome at random, but we don’t.

      还有许多专业人士指出了该文章的其他误导,这里不再继续一 一列出了。这种为发表文章而做的实验,是一个没有也永远不会有后续研究的实验,但却会被反疫苗人士炒作 用一辈子。

      • TT科研领跑全球
        • 歧义误导的可笑之处:这个实验的目的和过程 就是穷尽一切手段,在培养液中用mRNA 对细胞强迫做逆转录。发生没有逆转录?没有,加大计量,再找办法,直到成功为止!最重要的是,成功只是对细胞的DNA amplicons, 不是细胞基因(DNA genome),且培养液与人体条件完全相同。 +6
          • 科研不就是应该如此么?微观研究,不就是应该放大系数来验证可能性么?难不成就应该直接上几十亿的人体试验然后一个个测试有没有真实发生? +2
            • 几十亿的人体不实验也会有发生的 +1
            • 打错了字,应该是“培养液与人体条件完全不相同”,在(#14675928@0) 里面几点已经说得很清楚了。 +1
      • 造谣动动嘴,辟谣跑断腿 +13
      • Is it big ? Yes it is ! ; Is it doing anything good ? Not much at all ; Then what will it do ? By odds, if it does nothing bad then it wouldn't be big! +1
        • big ? 扯淡,早就没人理了。只是反疫苗人士在无知人群中反复炒作。 +6
          • 我指mRNA的capability
            • 那你这逻辑不是仍然可笑嘛: "if it does nothing bad then it wouldn't be big! "。人离不开mRNA,一个人体细胞约有几万个mRNA,组成12,000 个不同转录,而人平均活80岁,却能安然无恙 +1
              • 我们自己的mRNA为什么安全知道吗?因为不安全的多少代都死掉了,这个过程,不是在变成人的时候才开始的,现在做假苗的这些伪上帝要再来一次进化游戏
                • 那已不是同一个话题。
                  • 这, 就是我的话题
                    • 哈哈
      • In the beginning it is said there is NO Chance mRNA would be reverse translated into DNA. Now this paper proves that is a possibility. Is it going to happen in real world? I bet chance is higher than never. +3
      • 用疫苗剂量和人体细胞总数比较,是故意误导。疫苗只进入部分人体细胞,只要这些细胞能发生逆转录,就有可能致癌。 +2
        • 辉瑞疫苗只打约0.5ug/L, 这篇文章最低浓度都超过0.5ug/mL, 浓度超过1000倍。另外,培养液的细胞系会分裂,才能让mRNA进细胞核,正常人体细胞不会。该实验用的肝癌细胞Huh7可以不停分裂。 +2
          • 文章就是证明mRNA疫苗能被反转录到DNA,不是宣传的不会进入细胞核,不会反转录。 既然这个机制存在,人体这么复杂,谁知道有每个人多少情况,mRNA疫苗会发生反转录 +1
            • 实验室只要有目标在培养液里什么都能做出来。科学刊物说机会微乎其微而已。若说可能性大小,任何病毒,包括新冠状和感冒病毒mRNA反转录的可能性都大得多。 +1
              • 这是扯淡。逆转录怎么可能随便做出来。用灭活疫苗做个逆转录试试?搞生物的别把自己当上帝。人类这点水平,连人体内实验都做不了,怎么能证明mRNA疫苗如果体外存在能逆转录机制,不会在体内发生逆转录? +2
                • 还是别搞笑了,灭活疫苗是蛋白质,哪里去转录,哈哈哈哈。 +2
                  • 所以说mRNA疫苗设计就是可能发生逆转录的,去年信誓旦旦说不会逆转录。结果今年被证明存在这样机制,长期安全性完全无法和灭活疫苗比
                    • 那不是事实,是你的错觉。尽管知道发生可能性极小,从设计疫苗的时候就知道有逆转录,逆转录的条件之一是逆转录位点,比如moderna疫苗设计成没有逆转录位点的。
                      • 搞生物的总觉得自己是上帝,其实对人体很多都不懂。设计没有逆转录位点,怎么被证明有逆转录发生的。LINE-1编码的逆转录酶怎么工作都搞不清楚 +1
                        • 算了吧,生物盲。 +2
                          • 你才是生物盲,说两句专业的术语你就没话说了 +1
                            • 连mRNA和蛋白质都分不清,跟你还有啥好说的。
                              • 你自己就会幻想。我说灭活就不可能逆转录,你就幻想我分不清蛋白质和mRNA +1
                                • "用灭活疫苗做个逆转录试试?", 这不是生物盲是什么,哈哈。
    • :-)还有很多人活不到有机会出示疫苗证的那一天。ZT疫苗副作用:这个6分钟视频讲了疫苗的副作用。这也是为什么这次很多灵性团体是第一个站起来反对疫苗的。 -nazacalines(游戏改变者); 7-9 {293} (#14674118@0) +2
    • More than twice as many Americans have lost a household member to a Covid vaccine injury as have lost one to Covid.That’s the shocking finding of a new poll of 1,500 Americans carried out by the polling company Pollfish. +2
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛More than twice as many Americans have lost a household member to a Covid vaccine injury as have lost one to Covid.That’s the shocking finding of a new poll of 1,500 Americans carried out by the polling company Pollfish.While 3.6% of respondents said someone in their household had died from COVID-19, 7.9% said one had died as a result of Covid vaccination.The poll also found that 8.5% said they had been injured by their vaccination, 5% that they had sought medical help and 3.3% that they had been hospitalised, the same proportion who said that as a result of vaccination they were no longer able to work a full day or at all. These are percentages of all respondents. If we look only at the 74.3% vaccinated with at least one dose then the figures, as a proportion of vaccinated persons, are 11.5% injured, 6.8% needing medical help, 4.5% hospitalised and 4.5% unable to work. While these figures are self-reported and there is no control group, since the unvaccinated were not asked about adverse events, they are still alarmingly high.The poll also found that, among those who reported a Covid death in their household, more than twice as many reported that it occurred after the person was vaccinated than before (2.4% vs 1.1%). The proportion who said they had contracted Covid before their vaccination (17.5%) was very similar to the proportion who said they contracted it afterwards (15.7%). These figures are not indicative of a highly effective vaccine against either infection or death.The people polled were a randomly selected, representative sample of the U.S. public, of whom 74.3% were vaccinated, so the sample was not inherently biased towards or against the reporting of vaccine problems, though as in all opinion polls there may be an issue of self-selection bias.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 这个瑞典研究是旧闻了。Dr. Robert Malone曾经指出,DNA不会改变。 (#14496797@0) +6
      • Welcome debate regarding this for sure. I am not surprised scientists disagree. That is what "real science" should be. "covid science", on the other hand, is to be believed, like a religion. +3
        • 用科学的语言讲就是YM改变了人体意识的频率,改变了人体DNA。不过因为是高维科技,超出了很多人的3维理解能力,很多人无法想象这一点,也不肯相信。下面这个短视频是用科学语言直接讲述这一点的。NANO particle 和DNA -nazacalines(游戏改变者); 11:11 (#14676011@0)
    • 反疫苗人士走火入魔: 新冠病毒、感冒病毒等病毒mRNA比疫苗mRNA逆转录到人体细胞DNA的风险大得多的多,却从无人计较在意。逆转录的五个条件极其苛刻,其中之一是离不开病毒病变细胞,该实验是用肝癌细胞进行的。幸亏楼主不是独裁领袖,否则患流感过的人都不许生育 +8
      • prove your statement with paper pls.I have a published scientific paper proves mRNA could be reverse back to DNA. +1
        Now show us your paper it is higher possibility for virus to do the same. Unlike "covid science", debate welcome in "real science". BTW, if not because of us, you will be forced to take minimum 11 shots.
    • 自然界的mRNA都是在人体内非常快降解的,包括病毒的mRNA,降解了自然无法逆转录。mRNA疫苗为了增加稳定性,能够长时间保存,用了假尿苷或N1-甲基假尿苷,分子结构和自然界的mRNA不一样。能够很多天不降解,大大增加被逆转录的几率 +8
      • sh*t, never know they introduce non-natural nucleic acid. No wonder cancer is a direct result of this. I can only hope it won't happen too frequent. +3