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Tucker Carlson made talking about the vaccine's adverse effects mainstream after pointing out studies suggesting they hurt the immune system.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 福克斯新闻主持人塔克·卡尔森在指出研究表明那个疫苗会损害免疫系统后,终于开了主媒谈论疫苗副作用的先河 +7
    Tucker Carlson made talking about the vaccine's adverse effects mainstream after pointing out studies suggesting they hurt the immune system.
    • 勇敢! +5
    • I knew it last October! +4
      • 1996年 X-FILE Season 6,Episode 9,片名: S.R.819 提前26年告诉疫苗的‘部分’真相。Nano particles in the blood is building a heart attack.还告诉大家这个Nano particles是可以被远程控制的。The X-Files: "S.R. 819" (#14695233@0 +1
    • 他去年就在節目里說了 +1
      • 所以看起来上面的有点钻牛角尖了,逮着就说