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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


U.S. President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 again Saturday, slightly more than three days after he was cleared to exit coronavirus isolation, the White House said, in a rare case of "rebound" following treatment with an anti-viral drug.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 败登又羊了,这新官进化了两年,特别讲政治 +3
    U.S. President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 again Saturday, slightly more than three days after he was cleared to exit coronavirus isolation, the White House said, in a rare case of "rebound" following treatment with an anti-viral drug.
    • 加强针 +2
      • 4针苗苗 +3
        • 针针不息 +3
    • 哈里斯坐等大位 +1
    • 啊!距离上次多久?复阳片段?
    • 多打几针吧,二舅 +1
    • 那习近平更不敢见面了
    • 💊不能停…… +2
    • He tested positive again, after having been cleared and attending indoor events. He is back in isolation. +1
    • So all the "vaccine" shots he received don't work; So the new Pfizer Covid drug doesn't work? Is natural immunity only existing in vax-free people? +4
      • The shots worked, yet in the OPPOSITE direction, made him more prone to be infected...the famous ADE effect. +4
    • Fauci阳了,用了辉瑞的新药,结果药一停又阳了。 白丁也阳了又阳。 现在我相信他们打的不是生理盐水了。 请继续。 +3
      • ADE will be very common starting from September..according to the vaccine schedule for the most population: the less shots you have, the less chance to get ADE +5
        • 为什么是从九月,而不是其他日期?
      • 要么是用了辉瑞的新药,要么测试不准,假阴性。