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[TRAILER] Forcing Experimental Products That Can Kill You Is The Most Heinous Crime Against Humanity -Dr. Roger Hodkinson

[TRAILER] Hear pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson’s damning indictment on the experimental gene therapy responsible for “the most heinous crime against humanity.” Full interview comi…

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / [TRAILER] Forcing Experimental Products That Can Kill You Is The Most Heinous Crime Against Humanity -Dr. Roger Hodkinson +4
    [TRAILER] Hear pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson’s damning indictment on the experimental gene therapy responsible for “the most heinous crime against humanity.” Full interview comi…
    • 人类还躺在科学和教育的睡梦中憧憬美好的未来,其实,已经有魔鬼一样的人在利用这个无国界、无痛痒的中性东西秘密地编制一具网罗众多生灵的大网。