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懒得找原文揭穿你这谎言,但是最近现成的新闻:英国政府世界首个批准针对变种新冠病毒的MRNA秋季疫苗,已使该谎言不攻自破。“9月5日起,英国政府将提供针对 Covid-19 的秋季加强疫苗,从养老院居民开打”,“原疫苗仍然提供对原病毒很好的保护”

"The original vaccines continue to provide good protection and people are being urged to take the one offered"

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 英國政府偷偷確認「完全接種疫苗比未接種疫苗更易死於covid-19病毒」 +8
    感謝加入 #德傳媒 會員支持Gary繼續講真話👇 https://www.patreon.com/moralmedia 如果您覺得Gary的節目還不錯可以請Gary喝杯咖啡☕️ https://buy.stripe.com/4gw8zmcNweTwfao5kk 敬請加入Telegram「德傳媒官方頻道」 https://t.me/moralmedia ———————————————————————————— 如果您不方便觀看視頻請到Firstory收聽節目 https://open.firstory.me/user/ckq9fc82n6k510865h4vc2r60/platforms 敬請加入我的Youmaker頻道 https://www.youmaker.com/channel/2b5dd1eb-592b-4d2d-9329-7f6d6197741c 敬請加入德傳媒safechat頻道 https://safechat.com/channel/2787195178650897971 請加入德傳媒LBRY/odysee頻道 https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@德傳媒:d RUMBLE德傳媒 https://rumble.com/c/Moralmedia 敬請請關注我Twitter最新動態 https://twitter.com/SHENCHUANWH 敬請關注我的 Instagram最新動態 https://www.instagram.com/exclusive_reviews_news_only/ 德傳媒的爆料郵箱 Email——shenchuan@scwhsg.com 成為這個頻道的會員並獲得獎勵: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQG31eMhfz7FNuI41i3j1Zw/join #德傳媒Gary #GaryTalk
    • How They Discredit Cheaper COVID-19 Treatments +7
      🔵 A Documentary by The Epoch Times, reveals the truth that has been hidden from the American people.👉👉 https://ept.ms/3PF65PZ 🔵 Watch the Full Episode 👉 https://ept.ms/Y0726PierreKory 🔵 Sign up for the American Thought Leaders newsletter to stay up-to-date on new episodes, releases, and events 👉 https://ept.ms/ATLnewsletter Dr. Pierre Kory explains how cheaper treatments for COVID-19, such as hydroxychloroquine or ivermectine, were discredited through studies that used nearly lethal doses of the drug, or studies that use doses that are significantly too small to be effective. Calling these studies 'disinformation, Kory says that Ivermectine is "one of the safest drugs known to man." 💛 Support us to fight for the truth👉https://donorbox.org/american-thought-leaders 🔵SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL TODAY: 🔔 https://www.youtube.com/c/AmericanThoughtLeaders Find out where you can watch us on cable TV: https://www.ntd.com/tv-providers.html #PierreKory #Vaccine #EarlyTreatment - - - LATEST EXCLUSIVE EPISODES: Dr. Harvey Risch: Why Are Vaccinated People Getting COVID at Higher Rates Than the Unvaccinated? https://ept.ms/Y0716DrHarveyRisch Betsy DeVos: Why the US Department of Education Should Be Abolished https://ept.ms/Y0721BetsyDeVos Genetic COVID Vaccines May Damage Children’s Innate Immunity?—Dr. Paul Alexander https://ept.ms/Y0714PaulAlexander ‘The Pandemic of Cowardice’—Zuby Talks Transgender Athletes in Women’s Sports, COVID Disinformation, Roe v. Wade https://ept.ms/Y0705Zuby EXCLUSIVE: Governor Kristi Noem Reflects on Faith, Family, and Difficult Choices in Times of Crisis https://ept.ms/Y0702KristiNoem Whistleblower Jodi Shaw: How CRT Training Is a Violation of Civil Rights Law https://ept.ms/Y0623JodiShaw Mattias Desmet: ‘Mass Formation’ Hypnosis and the Rise of Technocratic Totalitarianism https://ept.ms/Y0616MattiasDesmet ​​'We Don't Have America Anymore'—Dr. Naomi Wolf on CCP-Style Technocratic Authoritarianism in the US https://ept.ms/Y0611NaomiWolf Survivor of the Cambodian Genocide Nal Oum: A Heartfelt Warning to the West https://ept.ms/0514NalOum - - - ‘The Vaccine-Injured Are Being Ignored’—Dr. Pierre Kory on Vaccine Injury Syndrome and the Suppression of Early COVID Treatment - - - Credits: shutterstock Images: https://shutr.bz/2u8Zdp8 Music: Audioblocks.com, epidemicsound.com Stock Video: Videoblocks.com ------------------------------------------------- © All Rights Reserved.
      • 科学家发表实验:实验者一日三餐,每餐一颗米,一周后全饿死。霉体发布新闻:科学家证明一日三餐一周后会死人。民众:每天就吃两顿吧。在这博客里提过,科学家们怎样科学的证明一个有效的药物无效甚至有害。 +4
        最近,终于搞到了川普总统推荐的新冠偏方HCQ(羟氯喹 hydroxychloroquine)! 想当年川普说他吃此药预防新冠,主瘤一片谩骂,说该药无用且有害、川普不是医生别听他的等等。 川普当然不是医生,也不会傻到自己乱吃药,肯定是他的医生让他吃的,他的医生可是总统医生哦。 疫情以来,HCQ和Ivermectin (伊维菌素),一直受到打压,不让医生使用。主瘤医生说这些药是毒药,并出示了大量…
        • 回看过去两年多各国政府都干了什么,就更容易明白它们为什么打压有效药物。 +15
      • 科学家发表实验:实验者一日三餐,每餐一颗米,一周后全饿死。霉体发布新闻:科学家证明天天吃米一周后会死人。本坛华人:每天就吃面包吧。 +7
    • 确认还要偷偷的? +1
      • 啥脑子,你干了坏事蠢事,事后会大喊大叫你干了坏事蠢事? +11
        • 干坏事的人要进监狱的 +1
    • 怎么偷认的
    • 懒得找原文揭穿你这谎言,但是最近现成的新闻:英国政府世界首个批准针对变种新冠病毒的MRNA秋季疫苗,已使该谎言不攻自破。“9月5日起,英国政府将提供针对 Covid-19 的秋季加强疫苗,从养老院居民开打”,“原疫苗仍然提供对原病毒很好的保护” +1
      "The original vaccines continue to provide good protection and people are being urged to take the one offered"
      • “原疫苗仍然提供对原病毒很好的保护”,哈哈哈哈哈.......... +11
        • 当然也包括对后来变种的保护,只不过没有对原病毒那样好而已。重要的是,这条消息足以揭穿主楼的谎言。"The original vaccines continue to provide good protection" +1
          • 记者写一句话就能当证据了?记者胡说八道的时候还少吗? +7
      • 你可以查一下英国政府的数据,看看打没打疫苗的人群哪个死亡率高。 +2
    • 打开一看是个视频,进去发布者频道,看到还有视频是“還認為植入晶片是陰謀論嗎?原來是預言⋯⋯”哈哈爱信这些的人开心就好