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二十岁的OHL hockey player在比赛当中去世。痛心。


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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 二十岁的OHL hockey player在比赛当中去世。痛心。 +5
    • 很多运动员已经倒下了。他们的共同点就是,被迫打处于试验期的“疫苗”。这里还有人支持政府强制,良知何在? +12
      • 没有说是什么原因啊. 不过, 的确有可能是疫苗造成的血栓. 等等再看看到底是什么原因吧. +2

        还有哪些运动员死了? 我的确听说了越年轻 越是运动员 越可能血栓死亡
        • 不要假惺惺的了,支持政府强制的就是你。 +9
        • 1000 Athletes - Collapsing, dying, heart problems, blood clots - March 2021 to June 2022 +6
          1000 Athletes - Collapsing, dying, heart problems, blood clots - March 2021 to June 2022


          The following is a documented compilation of 1,000 Athletes and Sports related incidences from March 2021 to 16th June 2022, each slide presented for 5 seconds.

          These are only the ones we hear about and which are sports related. The real numbers are unknown. There is a concerted and desperate effort by big tech and the mainstream media to ignore, hide, cover up, divert or straight up lie about what is going on.

          SOURCE: https://www.bitchute.com/video/2jKuSdFkGviI/