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It’s official – Pfizer’s “fully approved” and experimental mRNA vaccine, dubbed “Comirnaty,” was nothing more than a head-fake. Earlier this week, the notorious experimental vaccine maker quietly submitted an update to the CDC, admitting that its originally licensed “Comirnaty” vaccine will never be distributed for use. In other words, Pfizer has exclusively been supplying its…

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / FDA 正式宣布:针对 omicron 的 booster 加强针获得批准。你们要不要问问自己,前面早早打过的“第三针”,“第四针”是啥? +2
    • 新冠病毒
    • 不是批准(approve),是授权(authorize)。这区别大了。被“批准”的那个辉瑞疫苗可能永远也不会出现在市场上了。“疫苗”被FDA批准,却不让人打,除了忽悠人还有别的解释吗? +8
      It’s official – Pfizer’s “fully approved” and experimental mRNA vaccine, dubbed “Comirnaty,” was nothing more than a head-fake. Earlier this week, the notorious experimental vaccine maker quietly submitted an update to the CDC, admitting that its originally licensed “Comirnaty” vaccine will never be distributed for use. In other words, Pfizer has exclusively been supplying its…