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命苦呀!Mr Christensen's diligence to obtain boosters immediately when they became available has had the unintended consequence of seeing his protection wane as he waits for a fifth dose to be approved.

As COVID cases rise across the country, there are calls for additional booster doses to be made available to Australians who want it.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 鉴于疫苗加强针所可能带来的心肌炎危险要比冠状病毒本身所带来的危险来得大,澳大利亚政府禁止30岁以下的人打第四针。 +11


    • 当初30岁以下年轻人打疫苗的时候,政府告诉他们疫苗safe and effictive,现在政府又告诉他们,疫苗不safe and effictive了。如果你30岁以上,政府没说疫苗不safe and effictive,你就继续打?呵呵。。。。 +13
    • 在药厂势力这么强大的环境下,得有多么确凿的证据才能做出这种决定啊! +12
      • “药厂势力强大”绝对是近年来最好笑的笑话,赞一个👍 +3
        • 为啥可笑?你知道药厂背后多少金主?你知道Pfizer因为造假被罚过多少billions?但是居然还可以继续。你知道还有那个行业可以强推产品,不打下岗,但是出了问题,产品出品人没有任何责任? +11
    • 加拿大政府没有禁。土豆会说,那是澳大利亚,和加拿大不一样。澳大利亚人是人,加拿大人不是人,要继续打针,打满土豆订的11针至少。 +14
      • 加拿大不仅30岁没禁,更要让5-11岁儿童也当小白鼠 +10
    • 澳大利亚政府哪及得上加拿大政府在疫苗界的造诣,咱加拿大政府要继续推从胎儿开始注射新冠疫苗。 +10
      • 是哦,加拿大政府没说疫苗对30岁以下不safe and effictive,加拿大年轻人继续打吧,但如果搬家到了澳大利亚,就别打了,到哪都要信政府哦,呵呵。。。。 +13
        • 还没发明回抽疫苗的技术,难了澳加两头跑的。 +2
          • 民主政府不会坑人的,到加拿大,坚决打疫苗,谁说疫苗坏话都不信;到澳大利亚,坚决不打疫苗,谁说疫苗好话都不信,呵呵。。。。 +3
    • 没事,咱加拿大人皮实,热爱支持政府。再说了,我们土豆总理还等着年终分红呢! 40%哦! +9


    • 同乐,Australia’s vaccine advisory body is unlikely to approve a second Covid vaccine booster for under-30s due to the increased risk of myocarditis and diminishing benefit of successive doses.
      With the country staring down a new Omicron wave in the lead-up to Christmas, some young people who are approaching a year since their booster shot are clamouring for another jab.
      • 命苦呀!Mr Christensen's diligence to obtain boosters immediately when they became available has had the unintended consequence of seeing his protection wane as he waits for a fifth dose to be approved.
        As COVID cases rise across the country, there are calls for additional booster doses to be made available to Australians who want it.
    • not allowed!有人得去游行啦,必须得允许啊! +1
      • 多市市長聯同多倫多首席醫療官今早接受流感疫苗及新冠二價疫苗注射 +1