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Of the 10 million people who participated in V-safe – 3.3 million reported Adverse Health Impacts (AHIs) immediately after their first vaccination. That’s 33% or one-in-three.

Of the 10 million people who participated in V-safe – again, a massive sample size – 3.3 million reported Adverse Health Impacts (AHIs) immediately after their first vaccination. That’s 33% or one-in-three. Of those 3.3 million people, 1.2 million reported that they were unable to perform daily activities for a time after vaccination. 1.3 million reported getting so sick from the shots that they had to miss school or work. And about 800,000 reported being hospitalized by their COVID vaccination.



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 法院命令CDC发布数据显示美国有1800万疫苗受伤,有人头铁还想接着打吗 +5
    • 12个打了疫苗的人中有一个因疫苗伤害住院,大忽悠也得有人信呀,医疗系统早就被挤兑瘫痪了 +6
      • 我们公司一千多人,>90%打了疫苗,按它的谎言,应该有100人住院,却一个人没有。 +5
        • 就是1000人住院了,你也不知道,就是100人死了,你也不知道,这种信息怎么会让你知道啊?很明显,你在造谣,你在散布虚假信息。 +8
        • 是去过医院,不是住院!!! +1
      • 又是谣言,实际是12个人中有一个寻求医疗帮助,包括电话咨询,看急诊 +4
        • 如果是验证过的数据,这个比例也忒大了 +1
          • 只要疫苗之后一年内需要医疗帮助就算,不管是否和疫苗有关 +1
        • That last figure is the most worrisome. 800,000 hospitalizations out of 10 million people? That’s an 8% hospitalization rate.It means that as many as 18 million of the 230 million people may have been hospitalized with an adverse reaction
          It means that as many as 18 million of the 230 million people who received at least one shot may have been hospitalized with an adverse reaction 摘自主贴文章
          • 把healthcare visits曲解成hospitalization,我对反疫苗人士也是服了
        • ‘12个人中有一个寻求医疗帮助’ 是小事情????
          • 一年内12个人有一个看医生当然是小事,注意医疗帮助并不一定是和新冠疫苗相关的,比如说被车撞了也算
            • 焦虑症找家庭医生开药算吗?
                • 要这都算那可够胡搅蛮缠的。
    • 想打的你挡不住,多多益善,请你行行好,给他们一条去地狱的一条路。 +9
      • 我的回帖竟然被删了🤦🏻‍♂️ 不想打的你挡不住,多多益善,请你行行好,给他们一条……我说不出这种话
    • Of the 10 million people who participated in V-safe – 3.3 million reported Adverse Health Impacts (AHIs) immediately after their first vaccination. That’s 33% or one-in-three. +2

      Of the 10 million people who participated in V-safe – again, a massive sample size – 3.3 million reported Adverse Health Impacts (AHIs) immediately after their first vaccination. That’s 33% or one-in-three. Of those 3.3 million people, 1.2 million reported that they were unable to perform daily activities for a time after vaccination. 1.3 million reported getting so sick from the shots that they had to miss school or work. And about 800,000 reported being hospitalized by their COVID vaccination.


      • 不知道还要多少人被疫苗伤害后这些疫苗爱好者才觉醒疫苗非但没用而且还有巨大副作用 +2
        • 最近和一个人聊天,他说他不会再打疫苗了。他打了两针疫苗,结果被感染了COVID3,4次,每次病得时间都很长,需要很长时间恢复。 +5
      • 感觉应该不止33%,因为胳膊疼也算
        • 你说对了,同事有几个胳膊疼了2个多月,另一个,后来发展成为肩周炎,要理疗,后来申报疫苗副作用,由专门机构审核,批了800治疗费,很多类似案例,现在还没好,1年多了。 +6
          • 很好奇有多少同事?居然出了几个,我觉得胳膊能痛几个月的概率不会比心肌炎大多少
            • 这个疫苗操作是有规范的,肌肉注射,如果护士不小心,弄到血管里,各种副作用就不能算疫苗副作用,而是操作失误副作用,肩周炎就是毛细血管血栓导致。针管初始回抽确认,很重要,但是很多护士基本都没有做。 +2
    • 到底是法院造谣呢? 还是 CDC 造谣呢? 还是他们都造谣呢?
      • 我们好奇你啥观点?
      • 反疫苗网站造谣 +5
      • 树叶落了,有人大喊天塌了。不是树叶造假,是喊天塌了的人理解错了;听见风声,有人大叫下雨了,不是风没动,是有人自己心动了 +4
      • 是转发的人用自己的解读方式传谣。 +3