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World Premiere: Died Suddenly

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.
They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

This documentary was made possible by Goldco. Protect your wealth by investing in precious metals, and use THIS link to receive up to $10,000 in free silver for qualified accounts: https://link.goldco.com/DiedSuddenly

The Stew Peters Network would not be possible without the loyal and endearing support of all our sponsors. There is something for EVERYONE!

HUGE Black Friday Sales this week, so please support our sponsors who make it possible for the Stew Peters Network to give away ALL of our films and content for FREE!

Keep your brain sharp with individualized supplements, Visit https://nootopia.com/StewPeters
Use Promocode STEWPETERS for an ADDITIONAL 10% off

High Quality Magnesium for sleep, anxiety, and even leg cramps: http://www.magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters
Use promo code STEWPETERS10 at checkout for an additional 10% off your order.

Prepare your family for famine and shortages by purchasing food through: https://heavensharvest.com/ Use Promocode STEW for great discounts.

Support anti-vax activism, free clinic care for the vaccine injured, and IGF1 for Men’s supplements visit: https://Vaccine-Police.com

Protect yourself from Vaccine Shedding, chemtrails, and toxic air. Personalized Protection that WORKS! Visit https://thetriadaer.com/ Use Promocode STEW for 10% OFF

CACOA is a super food that Big Agriculture doesn’t want you to know about: Keto, Paleo, and ALL NATURAL COCAO. Buy it now: http://earthechofoods.com/stew

The Solution to Pain Management that Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about: CBD! Go to: https://kuribl.com/ Use Promocode STEW20 for 20% off

Trying to lose weight? It starts with your gut health. Get your metabolism back in order, cleanse with this protocol: https://gutcleanseprotocol.com/stew


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 看电影了,橡皮筋血栓纪录片“DIED SUDDENLY”,刚刚网络上演 +9
    • 科幻片? +2
    • 随便写一个邮箱就能看,可以写土豆的邮箱 +5
    • 你拍的?难怪最近没可劲地喊了,原来是在憋大招。。
      • 新冠疫苗的纪录片不多,橡皮筋血栓的更少了,看了再说 +7
        • 还是别看了,看了吃不下饭,睡不着觉。 +1
          • 看来是打过了。
    • "DIED SUDDENLY” 直接观看的链接 +3
      Stew Peters new documentary Died Suddenly
      • 强烈不建议吃东西时看。
      • 本来想学习一下的,


        • 别用政府网络看这些,自己找麻烦。随便一个rogers之类运营商都能看 +3
          • 潜水鱼是CISCO
            • 用CISCO设备吧,bitchute是和youtube一样的视频存放网站,公司可能会屏蔽视频网站,不过给网站屏蔽加标签的,也就是政府和学校才会 +2
              • "你们不会说Cisco也被收买了吧?"
                • 就是用cisco umbrella和openDNS,openDNS的域名filter还有标签是系统管理员设置的,所以说一看就是政府的系统管理员 +2
        • 不可全信,不可全不信,嘴长在别人身上,脑袋长在自己身上。
        • 在公司网络里面别上,回家用自己电脑自己网络上。
        • 试试Rumble,也可以看的。不到1天有200多万观看了。有几个朋友看过了,说再也不打了。 +4
          World Premiere: Died Suddenly

          Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.

          The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.
          They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history.

          This documentary was made possible by Goldco. Protect your wealth by investing in precious metals, and use THIS link to receive up to $10,000 in free silver for qualified accounts: https://link.goldco.com/DiedSuddenly

          The Stew Peters Network would not be possible without the loyal and endearing support of all our sponsors. There is something for EVERYONE!

          HUGE Black Friday Sales this week, so please support our sponsors who make it possible for the Stew Peters Network to give away ALL of our films and content for FREE!

          Keep your brain sharp with individualized supplements, Visit https://nootopia.com/StewPeters
          Use Promocode STEWPETERS for an ADDITIONAL 10% off

          High Quality Magnesium for sleep, anxiety, and even leg cramps: http://www.magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters
          Use promo code STEWPETERS10 at checkout for an additional 10% off your order.

          Prepare your family for famine and shortages by purchasing food through: https://heavensharvest.com/ Use Promocode STEW for great discounts.

          Support anti-vax activism, free clinic care for the vaccine injured, and IGF1 for Men’s supplements visit: https://Vaccine-Police.com

          Protect yourself from Vaccine Shedding, chemtrails, and toxic air. Personalized Protection that WORKS! Visit https://thetriadaer.com/ Use Promocode STEW for 10% OFF

          CACOA is a super food that Big Agriculture doesn’t want you to know about: Keto, Paleo, and ALL NATURAL COCAO. Buy it now: http://earthechofoods.com/stew

          The Solution to Pain Management that Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about: CBD! Go to: https://kuribl.com/ Use Promocode STEW20 for 20% off

          Trying to lose weight? It starts with your gut health. Get your metabolism back in order, cleanse with this protocol: https://gutcleanseprotocol.com/stew

      • 谢谢分享 +1
    • 在看,触目惊心🥶 +9
    • 谁知道如何检测这种橡皮筋血栓吗? +2
    • 血栓只是其中之一个副作用,现在流行的RSV就是因为疫苗后T细胞功能受损,难以抵抗那么小的一个RSV问题。 +4
      syncytial virus in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients and patients with hematologic malignancies" (Khawaja); 3 studies that shed light with exploding RSV; did we screw our kids with COVID jabs?
    • 主流媒体的装聋作哑震耳欲聋! +5
    • 只是个猜想:这个‘橡皮筋血栓’的原因之一是因为人所在环境的电磁辐射(5G等)太强了,疫苗里的NANO PARTICLE开始活动,组合在一起。所以要是看到好的,讲这次的疫苗和电磁辐射(5G等)的关系的视频,也请分享在这里,谢谢。 +1
      • 血栓是因为刺突蛋白, 刺突蛋白能划伤血管内皮, 导致凝血过程启动, 形成微血栓。有的人能自行清除微血栓,就不会有问题, 有的人不行, 微血栓就越变越多越多。这就是为什么现在那么多人吃抗凝药溶栓药 +4
        • 什么样的人可以自动清除血栓?年轻的血液流动快速的?还是身体有什么特殊的酶? +1
          • 每个人的身体里面都有:"纤维蛋白溶解酶", 但是数量有多少,效果有多好, 因人而异。 +1
        • 传统血栓身体是可以清除的。这次是mRNA疫苗里用了氧化石墨烯作为佐剂,这是非天然成分,没法清除。氧化石墨烯有磁性,所以刚开始打疫苗,有人在注射附近能吸住铁质物品。这是运气好,疫苗只聚集在注射肌肉附近,没进血液。 +3
          • 也不一定。传统血栓身体也不一定能清除,否则怎么以前也有血栓类的疾病呢?😄。但是任何东西都有一个量的问题,很小的量一般都没问题。大量一般都有问题。 +1
            • 人体有血纤维蛋白溶酶,有人这种酶不足或患血栓疾病。这种酶溶解不了氧化石墨烯为主的橡皮筋血栓 +2
        • Scientists suspect Covid Vaccines contain Graphene & Nanotech that is damaging the Immune System & causing Cancer这篇文章里的一段也解释了疫苗里的NANO BOT(用Graphene Dioxide制造的)是如何导致血栓的 +1
    • 刚看完,太吓人了……虽然自己没打,但是家人朋友大多都打了,唉😮‍💨…… +1
      • 不要再继续打,及时止损 +1
    • 转一个评论:Well I am so sorry to hear all this. +1
      I will not take another jab. they would have to hog tie me and sit on me in order to get it in my arm or any part of my body. Two vaccines one booster I’ve been sick for a year almost blood clots, ended up with laser surgery on my left eye due to a blockage in the tear duct, Several asthma attacks last but not least shingles on my face this is all been with in nine months and I know who’s to blame. My brother passed away shortly after his second shot of Moderna., he passed away the day after his 65th birthday.It’s poison
    • 这片子火了,Rumble上1天就有300多万观看,Twitter上也在放: +2
      • 感谢Elon Musk! 油管上早已被和谐了。 +1
    • 时代的悲哀,勇敢站出来捍卫humanity是防腐师。这次洗礼后,不知道多久以后才能恢复对医生这个职业的敬意。 +3
      • 头开始还真不知道防腐师这个词,查字典才知道
        • 你信吗?全世界绝大多数医生都被收买了?药厂得花多少钱?加上各国政客,无良主流媒体,两大药厂破产十次也拿不出这么多钱来,结果防腐师这里就没有钱去贿赂了。这故事你信吗?
          • 没啥信不信的,这纪录片莫非找来一堆演员演防腐师,我也是打了疫苗的,不反对疫苗,但是对这么短时间没有经过大量临床数据匆匆推出的疫苗心理多少还是有疑虑的,不会再打了 +3
          • 幼稚,医生还用得着收买,说疫苗问题的医生是有丢执照的风险的,敢说的没几个。 +6
    • 致敬防腐入殓师, 他们是孤勇者,很多医生其实已经都知道了, 但他们怕被吊销执照选择了沉默,世界很黑暗 +6
      《孤勇者》(《英雄聯盟:雙城之戰》動畫劇集中文主題曲)陳奕迅 Eason Chan [Official MV]
      陳奕迅 Eason Chan 孤勇者(《英雄聯盟:雙城之戰》動畫劇集中文主題曲)詞:唐恬曲:錢雷編:錢雷監:錢雷詞版權管理方:北京夢織音傳媒有限公司 曲版權管理方:索尼音樂版權代理(北京)有限公司都 是勇敢的你額頭的傷口 你的 不同 你犯的錯都 不必隱藏你破舊的玩偶 你的 面具 你的自我 他們說 要帶著光 馴服每...
      • 影片里有女军医站出来作证,非常敬佩她的勇气。 +3
        • 政府有没有想过以后军队出问题咋办?这些副作用政府现在不承认,早晚得在军队等等重要部门显示出来,到时咋收场呢? +1
          • 没法收场。现在承认就是全民索赔,等待纽伦堡法庭审批,谁敢?继续撑着呗,骗到哪天是哪天。 +5