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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath:Aborted fetal tissues are used in vaccines. Vaccines have been experimentally tested on orphans and on mental handicapped children. Experimental tests on babies from mothers in prisons.

Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour Full Video

Aborted fetal tissues are used in vaccines. Vaccines have been experimentally tested on orphans and on mental handicapped children. Experimental tests on babies from mothers in prisons. Experimental tests on 1 million people in then colonial Belgian Congo. There is so much information in this shocking video. A must watch.

Aborted fetal tissues are used in vaccines. Vaccines have been experimentally tested on orphans and on mental handicapped children. Experimental tests on bab...