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Safety monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines has been the most comprehensive in US history and has used established systems, including the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD),

VAERS, and a new system, v-safe, developed specifically for monitoring COVID-19 vaccine safety. During the study period, all COVID-19 vaccines were administered under EUAs, which require vaccine providers to report all serious adverse events (including deaths) that occur after vaccination to VAERS, regardless of whether they were plausibly associated with vaccination. Heightened public awareness of the COVID-19 vaccination programme, outreach and education to health-care providers and hospitals about COVID-19 EUA reporting requirements for adverse events, and adherence to EUA reporting requirements by providers and health systems, probably all contributed to the high volume of VAERS reports received.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 四大医学期刊之一《柳叶刀》2022年三月发表文章指出疫苗安全: +2
    它分析了美国前六个月注射的29.8千万的mRNA 疫苗,认为大部分报告的副作用轻微且短暂。Safety data from more than 298 million doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine administered in the first 6 months of the US vaccination programme show that most reported adverse events were mild and short in duration.
    • 柳叶刀?就是它!美国新冠病毒开始爆发的时候,它接连不断发表文章为中国政府洗地!为福奇博士洗地!为武汉病毒实验室洗地!这是一个犯罪组织。 +12
      • 犯罪组织?!也太夸张了吧
        • 推特是一个犯罪组织,一个性质。 +2
          • 原来马斯克是买了个犯罪组织啊
            • 你说的正确。 +1
              • 马斯克是犯罪组织头目?
                • Jack Dorsey
      • 对,柳叶刀的金主是中共,邪恶! +6
        • 中共这也太厉害了。直接攻陷在美国的世界顶尖医学杂志 +2
          • 你说的正确✅ +2
    • 这片文章列举的4千多人死亡难道不少吗?这些只是短期反应,长期的副作用是什么什么时候知道? +3
      • 该数据来源于V站,且不说死亡数字由反疫苗人士鼓噪的数万变成了数千,而且只要是打针后死亡的都算,不管死因是不是由疫苗的直接副作用所致 +2

        Death certificates or autopsy reports were available for clinical review for 808 (18·1%) of 4471 reports of deaths.

        death reports to VAERS following mRNA vaccination, we found no unusual patterns in cause of death among the death reports received. Under the COVID-19 vaccine EUA regulations, health-care providers are required to report deaths and life-threatening adverse health events after COVID-19 vaccinations to VAERS regardless of their potential association with vaccination.

        • 那只是美国半年的数据,死亡4496,而2020年全年所有疫苗死亡只有420,同样的系统,同样的汇报渠道。反正新冠疫苗是伟光正,不管死多少人都算安全的。
          • 2020年12月开始打疫苗,V站只收报420有问题吗?
            • 疫苗有流感疫苗,MMR, TDAP等等几十种,不是只有新冠疫苗。所有疫苗1年报告死亡420,新冠疫苗一出世,半年就报告死亡4496。
              • 没看明白文章?凡是打了新冠疫苗后死亡的人都要求报备,这点与对以往的疫苗副作用报备要求不一样.
                • 有点脑子好不好?报备要求从来都是一样的。美国1年死亡3百多万,如果打过疫苗后死亡都要报备,那应该要报备死亡1百多万。
                  • 还是没脑子看文章呀,文章里说了数字是低估的
                    • 绝大多数疫苗后死亡根本就没报备,这本来就是常识。医院根本就不愿意花人力物力去报备,又没钱拿。
                      • 所以你们可以推论美国这2年死的的人里至少有一半与疫苗有关了,真棒!
                        • 那是你说的。 +1
                  • 再用下脑子?看看新冠的报备与以往疫苗的报备有何不同


                    Safety monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines has been the most comprehensive in US history and has used established systems, including the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD),

                    VAERS, and a new system, v-safe, developed specifically for monitoring COVID-19 vaccine safety. During the study period, all COVID-19 vaccines were administered under EUAs, which require vaccine providers to report all serious adverse events (including deaths) that occur after vaccination to VAERS, regardless of whether they were plausibly associated with vaccination. Heightened public awareness of the COVID-19 vaccination programme, outreach and education to health-care providers and hospitals about COVID-19 EUA reporting requirements for adverse events, and adherence to EUA reporting requirements by providers and health systems, probably all contributed to the high volume of VAERS reports received.

                    • 报备要求从来都是一样的,报备的从来都是只有百分之几。
    • 看来你很闲,跑来这里趟浑水。 很多聪明人都不浪费时间去干正经事了 +2
      • 哈哈我是看这里一水的反疫苗觉得不爽
    • The Lancet 別再翻譯成”柳葉刀”了,估計沒有人知道”柳葉刀”是什麼,lancet是從法文來的,就是”手術刀“,在手術室,醫生稱手術刀scalpel(拉丁字源),不會有醫生請護士遞”lancet” +1
      • 你建议是翻译成什么词?还是认为最好不翻译就直接用英文?
        • 在中文環境中,肯定沒有醫生把手術刀說成”柳葉刀”,更別提影視文學作品中,醫生會說:”把我的柳葉刀拿來”,翻譯講求”信雅達”,柳葉刀肯定算不上信,達這兩個要求
          • 学习了。你觉得这个杂志名字,好的翻译应该是什么呢?
            • 解剖刀或是手術刀,都可以算是不錯的翻譯雜誌名字
              • 赞👍我一直是不懂什么是柳叶刀,还以为是什么特殊刀具🤦🏻‍♂️
              • 名称翻译是一种约定俗成的东西,非必要不修改。
              • 直接叫手术刀太土了,柳叶刀本来就是手术刀的别称,因为手术刀形状象柳叶。 +1
                • 终于看到一个真懂这个名字的来历的人了
                • “ 柳叶刀本来就是手术刀的别称”?開玩笑的吧,從來沒聼過有醫生把手術刀稱為柳葉刀,武俠小說倒是有,幾十年前新生報記者的翻譯,别太當真 +1
    • 加拿大一直持续更新疫苗副作用报告: about 6 people out of every 10,000 people vaccinated who have reported 1 or more adverse events.

      Of the 52,203 individual reports, 41,842 were considered non-serious (0.045% of all doses administered) and 10,361 were considered serious (0.011% of all doses administered).