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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Visa Delivery in PRC by DHL/Sinotrans Effective 15 December 2000

Beginning on 15 December 2000, immigration visa delivery will be effected by DHL Worldwide Express and its PRC affiliate Sinotrans in all cases where an address in the People’s Republic of China has been designated for the receipt of correspondence.

The Consulate-General has negotiated this agreement with DHL to ensure that visas are safely and expeditiously received by applicants or their designated representatives. We look to this arrangement to eliminate the unacceptably high incidence of loss and late delivery that has plagued both our clients and ourselves.

Please note the following points regarding this new arrangement:

* Visas will be sent on a COD basis, with the recipient responsible to provide full payment in cash to DHL/Sinotrans at the time of delivery. The standard visa package delivery cost has been set at RMB 150. This rate applies regardless of where in the PRC delivery is to take place.

* DHL/Sinotrans staff will call beforehand to the contact telephone number provided on the immigration application to arrange for a specific time and date for the delivery of the immigration visas. Visas will be released only to applicants themselves or to persons confirmed as employees of their designated representatives, and only to persons who provide proper identification.

* Wherever possible, DHL/Sinotrans will make delivery at the specified residential or business address. However, applicants living in remote areas not currently covered by the DHL/Sinotrans network will be contacted and asked to attend at the closest DHL/Sinotrans office to pick up their visas in person.

* Applicants who have listed a Post Office box as a mailing address will be asked to provide a different address for visa delivery purposes, as DHL/Sinotrans will not effect delivery to a Post Office box.

* DHL/Sinotrans will make three separate attempts to contact the addressee by telephone to make visa delivery arrangements. If contact is not made - or if there is in any case doubt as to the identity of the proposed recipient or the reliability of the contact address - the visa package will be returned undelivered by DHL/Sinotrans to the Canadian Consulate. The Consulate will then undertake further investigation of the particular situation.

It is therefore very important that, if the contact telephone number provided on the immigration application form changes, new details be reported to this office immediately.

We expect that this new system, which has been used successfully in other Canadian missions abroad for visa delivery purposes, will reduce loss and delivery delay to an absolute minimum.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 有哪位同志最近在香港递表的??不知道现在给不给确认信??我的表已交上去二十多天了,至今没有消息,有谁能帮我??
    • 哈哈,“先走一步”的移友,原来你还没收到FN。我的朋友10月2日寄表到香港,10月底收到FN。我11月14日寄往北京,收到FN的时间未知。
      • 我都快度日如年了,老兄还要笑我.不过还是很感谢你提供的信息.真应了一句中国的老话:起了个大早,赶了个晚集.但愿只是好事多磨,也祝老兄一路顺利!!
        • Be patient please, my friends. To my own experience, the immigration is exactly kind of 好事多磨.
          • thanks a lot!!! remember to be patiant...
    • 谢谢了!!同志们!请最近从香港收到确认信的同志帮一下忙,大概要多久??我真怕我的材料被弄丢了,谁会知道中国的服务机构能做出什么事来啊!!
      • 一般在一个月时间左右,一般材料不会丢失。建议你以后用DHL寄,可以实时查询进度。
        • thank u very much!!什么是DHL?见笑见笑,xixi.
          • 国际特快转递服务
            • thanks!!!
              • 我刚收到香港的FN,在此谢谢各位帮助过我的兄弟姐妹!!
          • 大灰狼的汉语拼音缩写
          • DHL的中文翻译是“吨毫”的意思,也就是无论是一吨,还是一毫的东西,他们都送。
          • 从12月15日以后,香港使馆将通过DHL向大陆申请人寄LP。
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Visa Delivery in PRC by DHL/Sinotrans Effective 15 December 2000

            Beginning on 15 December 2000, immigration visa delivery will be effected by DHL Worldwide Express and its PRC affiliate Sinotrans in all cases where an address in the People’s Republic of China has been designated for the receipt of correspondence.

            The Consulate-General has negotiated this agreement with DHL to ensure that visas are safely and expeditiously received by applicants or their designated representatives. We look to this arrangement to eliminate the unacceptably high incidence of loss and late delivery that has plagued both our clients and ourselves.

            Please note the following points regarding this new arrangement:

            * Visas will be sent on a COD basis, with the recipient responsible to provide full payment in cash to DHL/Sinotrans at the time of delivery. The standard visa package delivery cost has been set at RMB 150. This rate applies regardless of where in the PRC delivery is to take place.

            * DHL/Sinotrans staff will call beforehand to the contact telephone number provided on the immigration application to arrange for a specific time and date for the delivery of the immigration visas. Visas will be released only to applicants themselves or to persons confirmed as employees of their designated representatives, and only to persons who provide proper identification.

            * Wherever possible, DHL/Sinotrans will make delivery at the specified residential or business address. However, applicants living in remote areas not currently covered by the DHL/Sinotrans network will be contacted and asked to attend at the closest DHL/Sinotrans office to pick up their visas in person.

            * Applicants who have listed a Post Office box as a mailing address will be asked to provide a different address for visa delivery purposes, as DHL/Sinotrans will not effect delivery to a Post Office box.

            * DHL/Sinotrans will make three separate attempts to contact the addressee by telephone to make visa delivery arrangements. If contact is not made - or if there is in any case doubt as to the identity of the proposed recipient or the reliability of the contact address - the visa package will be returned undelivered by DHL/Sinotrans to the Canadian Consulate. The Consulate will then undertake further investigation of the particular situation.

            It is therefore very important that, if the contact telephone number provided on the immigration application form changes, new details be reported to this office immediately.

            We expect that this new system, which has been used successfully in other Canadian missions abroad for visa delivery purposes, will reduce loss and delivery delay to an absolute minimum.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • bingle,are you sure from DHL?
            • 另有一个问题: 我要寄回信给香港, 请问一个常识性的问题. FN该贴在信封上,还是信纸上?? 贴在信封上我怕有人揭掉, 谢了众位大侠!!
              • 怎么没人回答我?? 好伤心, 呜呜....