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拒绝再被骗打针:Jordan Peterson refuses to be duped again into taking another COVID booster shot

'I got vaccinated because I naively believed the woke force-mongers would leave me the hell alone thereafter. Fool me once… ' the Canadian psychologist said in response to the government promoting a sixth booster shot.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 拒绝再被骗打针:Jordan Peterson refuses to be duped again into taking another COVID booster shot +8
    'I got vaccinated because I naively believed the woke force-mongers would leave me the hell alone thereafter. Fool me once… ' the Canadian psychologist said in response to the government promoting a sixth booster shot.
    • 开打第六针了,坛子里相信民主政府不骗人的,有没有打的啊? +9
      • 不用问肯定有,不打怎么对得起能防重症防死亡呢 +4
      • 不是要人打500针吗?这6针算啥?
    • ZT 重要的不是你做了什么,而是动机: 可以有物质性的反抗行为,但不要有对抗的意识。你可以不带对抗意识去反抗,去阻止阴谋议程的实施。就如在前面取作恶者首级的例子中,如此你是带着爱与慈悲在做的——既是对被欺压者的慈悲,也是对作恶者的慈悲,而且还是对自己的慈悲! +1
      • "他们是通过操纵人类互相伤害去实施计划的"....真的是这样 +2
    • 他怎么会打那么多针?是被骗的还是被强迫的?一直觉得他了解很多事情的。
      • 他的原话:“I got vaccinated because I naively believed the woke force-mongers would leave me the hell alone thereafter.” +1
      • 他应该是在评价第六针这件事儿,不是他自己的第六针。他21年11月就说自己打针是一个“stupid” decision了。 +1
    • 已经到第六针了?还以为还徘徊在第4针呢。
      • 差点没有揪住别人打500针了,第6针算啥🤣 +2