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Young people are more likely to die of heart attacks post-COVID (COVID病毒感染)

Overall, It's estimated that about 4% of people who have COVID-19 will develop a heart problem, such as irregular heartbeat, heart failure, inflammation or heart attacks.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Young people are more likely to die of heart attacks post-COVID (COVID病毒感染) +1
    Overall, It's estimated that about 4% of people who have COVID-19 will develop a heart problem, such as irregular heartbeat, heart failure, inflammation or heart attacks.
    • 公布一下心脏病死亡者的疫苗状况比较让人信服,看看是接种者死于心脏病的比例高,还是未接种者的比例高。 +7
      • 有研究说新冠康复者心脏病没有增加,疫苗后心脏病明显增加。 +9
        • 对,我看过这个以色列的研究,新冠康复者心脏病没有增加。 +2
    • 我说了一年多了,新冠杀老,疫苗害小。 +8
    • 这个消息是关于新冠病毒对心脏的伤害,不是关于疫苗。如果讨论疫苗,请另开贴! +15
      • 最好区分一下疫苗后新冠还是未打疫苗的新冠。 +6
      • By the second year of the pandemic, the “observed” compared to “predicted” rates of heart attack death had increased by 29.9% for adults ages 25-44, 明明是疫苗后心脏病大增,却甩锅给新冠。 +8
        • 整理一下MSM用过的背锅侠: 午觉睡多了,铺床单用力过猛,走路走多了,鸡蛋,培根吃多了……唯独绝不可能是这实验药水。估计这病毒也能减少某些人的脑细胞 +7
          • 看西达赛奈医院论文中的表格,19年4月到9月对比12年4月到9月,心脏病死亡率下降了。 +5




            • 是的是的,你是正确的,大家已经知道了,没人跟你争辩了,不用再纠结这话题了。说说今晚你吃啥好吃的?
              • 这条🐟真可爱,你是暗恋bluesky还是咋的了?这么纠结,放不下啊? +3
                • 哈哈,我也这么觉得,追着蓝天,相爱相杀?