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The Gateway Pundit is reporting that, "Unvaccinated patients who require transfusions can now access 'pure blood' thanks to a new service called 'SafeBlood Donation,' which was launched by a Swiss naturopath named George Della Pietra."

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 发现80%血库血液被污染,为了减少血库污染。蒙大拿提出House Bill 645,打了mRNA疫苗的人,去献血要罚款500美元 +10
    • 血库污染严重,迫不得已推出这个法案,估计通不过 +3

      Montana doesn’t want to give people tainted blood transfusions

      Most Montanans, in other words, have tainted blood and would no longer be allowed to share that tainted blood with patients in need. The same is true in other states where uptake of the jabs was high.

      According to Dr. Michael Busch, director of the Vitalant Research Institute, the true percentage of tainted blood in the United States is closer to 90 percent than it is to 80 percent, meaning as little as only one in 10 donors have clean, safe blood.

      This is a serious problem because those in need of a blood transfusion will have to wait a lot longer for it – if they are ever able to receive one at all, now that most of the American blood supply is loaded with toxic jab ingredients.

    • 这真是人类的灾难! +2
    • 真的? 这个世界越来越可笑了.......可怜的羔羊..... +2
    • 这么简单的问题不至于要用这么粗暴的办法解决吧?分两个血库就完了,一个【纯血】,仅供【纯人】使用,一个【脏血】,供【脏人】使用。 +5
    • 没有打疫苗的千万别输血,输血你就死定了!切记切记! +8
      • 也别去医院,医生护士都打过疫苗 +2
        • 有1%没打,可以带袖章便于确认 +1
    • 打了疫苗的也不能随便接受输血。不同疫苗批次,毒性不同。你可能接受的是毒性小的批次疫苗,如果输血,可能输入的是毒性大的疫苗批次的血液 +11
      • 打了疫苗反正突刺蛋白全身到处都是,再多点也没有啥问题。没有打疫苗的,一旦突刺蛋白从血液里面进去,那比疫苗快多了,一下就扩散到全身,你的身体一定是吃不消的,要出大事情的。切记切记! +2
        • 疫苗在血液里不止刺突蛋白吧,不是还有引起血栓的氧化石墨烯。不同批次,氧化石墨烯浓度不同,血栓多少可能也不一样。所以有人打了疫苗,很快心脏出问题猝死了,有人没事 +5
          • 那才几个人,能有劲头去献血的都是没事儿的,不过啦,碰到宁死不要输血的谁也没办法。
          • 心脏出问题不是突刺蛋白引发的吗?疫苗一针才0.3-0.5ml,氧化石墨烯浓度是多少呀?
            • 氧化石墨烯带电, +1


              • 不管这是不是带电,所以有病千万别去输血!切记切记,尤其是没有打疫苗的,一针下去真的要死人的,没有被针打死很可能被电死!打了疫苗的反正已经打了,能活到现在的多半也没有啥事,该干啥干啥。 +1
              • 所以打了疫苗的都带电带磁,行走起来就能动能转换成电能,成为行走的发电机。原来政府是这个目的,很快就会给打了疫苗的接上导线,连上电网发电了。。
      • 谢谢提醒。30%的疫苗批次贡献了80%的疫苗毒副作用伤害。 +3
      • 都打疫苗了,哪会信这些谣言啊
    • 罪过呀,我打过疫苗,刚献完血,你们来个人把我杀了吧,我自己下不去手 +2
      • 找个电动剃须刀在左手生命线上比划一分钟,就算是自裁了。
      • 别开玩笑了。中年人献血?很少听到。
    • 米国有专门为没打疫苗人设的血库。不知道加拿大有没有?
      • 有米国专门为没打疫苗人设的血库的信息连接吗? +2
        • 原来的链接找不到了,只查到这个
          The Gateway Pundit is reporting that, "Unvaccinated patients who require transfusions can now access 'pure blood' thanks to a new service called 'SafeBlood Donation,' which was launched by a Swiss naturopath named George Della Pietra."
          • 谢谢!我帮你查到了,一个由私人建立的民间组织 +1
            • 就是私人的才可信,他们是少数还有良心的好人 LOL
    • +1 更多的人开始正视疫苗危害。 +1