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How about Anti-Sudden-Adult-Death-Syndrome? How about anti-higher-mortality-rate among youngsters?



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Just curious. Are you guys anti vaccine, or anti mRNAvaccine, or anti vac mandate, anti liberal, anti bill gates, anti soros, anti government, anti 5G, anti WHO, or anti whatever? What exactly are you trying to say? +4
    • anti-intellectual +6
      • How about Anti-Sudden-Adult-Death-Syndrome? How about anti-higher-mortality-rate among youngsters? +4


        • essentially it is a kind of anti-intellectualism +1
          • Essentially, ignorance of official data is a kind of anti-intellectual. Congratulations! You set an excellent example of your own definition of "anti-intellectualism". LOL +6
      • 没打够6针的,都是反智。政府现在推荐打第6针,都是根据专家的科学意见,没打够的,扪心自问,你们follow science吗?你们反智不? +8
      • Taking an experimental injection without asking any questions, only because your government told you to do so. Your definition of intellectual is odd....and pathetic. And, how many shots of intellect have you had so far? Just curious. +8
        • Pubmed is the place where you can find trial data for “experimental injections”.
        • DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY! Yours is anti-government. Nature Journal: Anti-intellectualism --- the generalized distrust of experts and intellectuals +1
          Merkley and Loewen find that anti-intellectualism (distrust in experts and intellectuals) is linked to COVID-19 (mis)perceptions, compliance with public health directives and information search using survey and experimental data from Canada.
          • Good lord! Now, according to you I turned out to be Anti-government?! 😂 😂 😂 this chat is getting dangerous ... Imma head out +2
            • there is nothing wrong to be anti-government, Canada is a free country +2
    • I am not anti. anything. All I want is to have the right to ask question and not be coerced by the goverment and authority because of my tough question. If only one voice can be heard in the socity, it must be a LIE. +11
    • I am anti-stupidity. Let common sense prevail. +14
    • 免费教你个真理:任何不能anti的东西,必然是邪恶的。 +12
      • Like gravity?
        • Gravity is twisted space . +1
        • anti-gravity 是很正常的事情。ZT 美国政府授予反重力飞行器专利,改变了它周围的时空 +3
        • 呵呵,教你都教不会,再教一次吧:一个东西能不能反,和反得对不对,没有关系。而独裁暴君都是用“这个东西是对的你不能反”来压迫你,比如现在反疫苗就开除你,以前的敢反地球中心说就烧死你。是的,1+1=2都能反 +9
          • 你教小学生逻辑学,有点难度哎!🤣🤣🤣 不过,你写的这个太棒了,写出了反这个动作和反的东西是截然不同的两个东西。 +4
    • Anti unthinker! +3