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Protect Yourself From mRNA Vaccines in Food

mRNA from vaccination in the food supply? Legislation has been filled, across the nation, concerning livestock’s injection with this form of gene therapy.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Protect Yourself From mRNA Vaccines in Food +4
    mRNA from vaccination in the food supply? Legislation has been filled, across the nation, concerning livestock’s injection with this form of gene therapy.
    • 吃素吧! +1
      • 蔬菜里也有---PLANT BASED COVID VACCINE. ZT FOOD VACCINES - Last week the U.K. allowed genetically medicines food into your food chain. Even though the public has consistently rejected it.Vaccinated food will remove your informed consent. +1
    • 麻烦左左解释一下,为啥食品里有化肥农药不好,有疫苗就好? +2
      • 因为TA们无脑信政府,🏃进火葬场 +2