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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

The vaccines were also apparently intended to make it possible to control people via remote control. 这些疫苗显然也是为了使通过远程控制来控制人们成为可能.请参阅辉瑞公司2021年授予的与全球注入石墨烯的人类进行蜂窝塔通信的专利:Pfizer – Patent: 11107588b2

https://www.p fcchina.org/benjieming/64637.html

The vaccines were also apparently intended to make it possible to control people via remote control. For confirmation, see this Pfizer patent granted in 2021 for cellular tower communication with graphene-injected humans worldwide:


Pfizer – Patent: 11107588b2

辉瑞-专利号: 11107588b2

