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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



Certainly! Let's consider an example to illustrate the calculation of investment returns for a house in Toronto. Here are the details:

1. Purchase Price: $500,000
2. Down Payment: 20% ($100,000)
3. Mortgage Loan: $400,000
- Interest Rate: 4% per annum
- Loan Term: 25 years
4. Rental Income: $2,500 per month ($30,000 per year)
5. Property Appreciation: Assume an average annual appreciation rate of 5%
6. Holding Period: 10 years (120 months)
7. Expenses: Property taxes amount to $3,000 per year, maintenance costs average $2,000 per year, and insurance is $1,200 per year.
8. Selling Costs: Assume 5% of the sale price for real estate agent commissions and closing costs.
9. Net Operating Income: Rental Income - Expenses (excluding mortgage interest)
- Net Operating Income = $30,000 - ($3,000 + $2,000 + $1,200) = $23,800 per year

Now, let's calculate the investment returns:

1. Interest Expenses: Using a mortgage calculator or consulting with your lender, determine the interest expenses over the holding period. Assuming a fixed interest rate of 4% and a loan term of 25 years, the total interest paid over 10 years is approximately $94,291.

2. Net Proceeds from Sale: To estimate the sale price, assume a property appreciation rate of 5% per year over the holding period.
- Sale Price = Purchase Price * (1 + Appreciation Rate)^Holding Period
- Sale Price = $500,000 * (1 + 0.05)^10 = $814,447

Deducting selling costs (5% of the sale price), the net proceeds from the sale would be $773,725.

3. Calculate ROI:
- Total Return = Net Operating Income + Property Appreciation + Equity (down payment)
- Total Return = $23,800 * 10 + ($814,447 - $500,000) + $100,000 = $480,447

- ROI = (Total Return / Initial Investment) * 100
- ROI = ($480,447 / $100,000) * 100 = 480.45%

In this example, the calculated ROI is approximately 480.45% over the 10-year holding period, considering rental income, property appreciation, and the down payment. Please note that this calculation does not include all potential expenses or factors such as inflation, vacancy rates, and other individual circumstances. Consulting with professionals can provide a more accurate assessment for your specific situation.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 房地产投资回报率 +1


    Certainly! Let's consider an example to illustrate the calculation of investment returns for a house in Toronto. Here are the details:

    1. Purchase Price: $500,000
    2. Down Payment: 20% ($100,000)
    3. Mortgage Loan: $400,000
    - Interest Rate: 4% per annum
    - Loan Term: 25 years
    4. Rental Income: $2,500 per month ($30,000 per year)
    5. Property Appreciation: Assume an average annual appreciation rate of 5%
    6. Holding Period: 10 years (120 months)
    7. Expenses: Property taxes amount to $3,000 per year, maintenance costs average $2,000 per year, and insurance is $1,200 per year.
    8. Selling Costs: Assume 5% of the sale price for real estate agent commissions and closing costs.
    9. Net Operating Income: Rental Income - Expenses (excluding mortgage interest)
    - Net Operating Income = $30,000 - ($3,000 + $2,000 + $1,200) = $23,800 per year

    Now, let's calculate the investment returns:

    1. Interest Expenses: Using a mortgage calculator or consulting with your lender, determine the interest expenses over the holding period. Assuming a fixed interest rate of 4% and a loan term of 25 years, the total interest paid over 10 years is approximately $94,291.

    2. Net Proceeds from Sale: To estimate the sale price, assume a property appreciation rate of 5% per year over the holding period.
    - Sale Price = Purchase Price * (1 + Appreciation Rate)^Holding Period
    - Sale Price = $500,000 * (1 + 0.05)^10 = $814,447

    Deducting selling costs (5% of the sale price), the net proceeds from the sale would be $773,725.

    3. Calculate ROI:
    - Total Return = Net Operating Income + Property Appreciation + Equity (down payment)
    - Total Return = $23,800 * 10 + ($814,447 - $500,000) + $100,000 = $480,447

    - ROI = (Total Return / Initial Investment) * 100
    - ROI = ($480,447 / $100,000) * 100 = 480.45%

    In this example, the calculated ROI is approximately 480.45% over the 10-year holding period, considering rental income, property appreciation, and the down payment. Please note that this calculation does not include all potential expenses or factors such as inflation, vacancy rates, and other individual circumstances. Consulting with professionals can provide a more accurate assessment for your specific situation.

    • 我刚好有一套在C14接近10年的投资房,首付的回报400%左右,由于当时付了35%, 要是首付20%回报率就差不多就是480%。
    • 花50万就能买下,为什么花2500去租?40万的按揭月付款都不到2500。是哪地方有点不make sense? +2
      • 我8,9年前在士嘉堡花10万首付,50万买的bungalow当时租金2100,现在价值120万,同一家租客一直住到现在,租金是现在市价的一半。回报没算过,好像超过主贴里说的吧。
      • 工作不稳定,或无长期工作的愿望
    • 6年投资房首付翻5倍。实际上首付也是refiance出来的,零首付到底该怎么算回报率呢。
      • 零首付 - 空手套白狼
      • 奇怪,咋没见股票达人和比特高手出来比划比划呢 ;D
      • 零首付分母为0,收益或损失都是无穷大。
    • GPT一本正经胡说八道又一例。这个ROI公式错在哪里,漏了哪项投资成本,仔细想想。这几天太忙,过两天给你解释啊。 +5
    • 没算capital gain扣税。 +1

    • 主要是房价涨了,否则Mortgage 按6%算,基本上是做给天看。
    • 2000年出10万首付买了个30万的房,2005年从房子里拿回了10万本钱,等于0投资,现在房子净值180万,投资回报率=∞?😂
      • 没考虑时间价值,5%的折现率,2000年的10万相当于2005年的127600,2005年拿出来10万只是整个投资周期中的某一项现金流支出,要按照每一个现金流发生的时间点,把整个投资期内的正负现金流全包括进去算一个IRR,不是简单的无穷大。EXCEL就可以算。
        • How to calculate inflation rate for $100,000 since 2000. $100,000 in 2000 has the same "purchasing power" or "buying power" as $176,168.99 in 2023. 现在再拿出8万来,是不是无穷大了。LOL
          • 啥叫买空卖空, 答案就是yes
    • 我刚买了649,如果中了,我给大家算一下投资回报率
      • 看你是买了多少次才中的
        • 大的没中过,小的几率还不错
      • 不用算,对于你,是0%
        • 一看你就没玩过,free play我经常中
          • 当然玩过,中了小奖,FREE PLAY再不中,或者中了10元再买,还不是0
    • 不管楼上怎么抬杠,地产投资就相当于加杠杆,收益和亏损都是放大的,过去20年大部分炒房的都赚得盘满钵满,就是得益于杠杆上加杠杆
      • 对。而且大多数人坚信接下来的20年照旧。 +2
    • 这算法错在哪里?漏算了最大头的月供中本金部分。假设GPT其他计算正确,ROI公式得改成 +1

      ROI = (Total Return / (Initial Investment + all subsequent investments)) * 100

      subsequent investments 是10年里每月月供的本金