Freedom Rally Fairview | Freedom fighters gathered to head for the liberal fundraising event at Hitlton Garden Inn in Ajax, Monday, 2023-06-26 | Facebook
Freedom Rally Fairview | Freedom fighters educated Trudeau’s donors with tons of signs and flags at the liberal fundraising event at Hitlton Garden Inn in Ajax, Monday, 2023... | Facebook
Freedom Rally Fairview | Freedom fighters educated Trudeau’s donors with tons of signs and flags at the liberal fundraising event at Royal Woodbine Golf Club in Etobicoke, T... | Facebook
除了多伦多的,还有从Shelburne,missisagua/brampton, oakville过来的
(1) Freedom Rally Fairview | Trudeau is in town, everywhere the Crime Minister goes, freedom fighters goes to fuck it (not him) | Facebook
2.275 加拿大的“坦克人” | halfpercent (wordpress.com)