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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


It is not normal for young athletes to suffer cardiac arrest or death while playing sport, but most of these come shortly after a COVID shot.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 自注射新冠疫苗以来1887名年轻运动员心脏骤停或严重问题,其中1312人死亡。链接中有详细名单并还在不断增长中 +7
    It is not normal for young athletes to suffer cardiac arrest or death while playing sport, but most of these come shortly after a COVID shot.
    • 死亡率真高 +5
    • 恐怖的是现在保持在一个稳定的数量。说明或者是当时损伤没发现现在各种情况表现出来,或是还在继续损伤,无论哪个都是说疫苗损伤是长期的,这祸害啊! +7
    • 自注射新冠疫苗以来,奥运会/冬奥会/世界杯等顶级大赛里没有1例年轻运动员发生心脏意外 +2
      • Seems there were no accidents in the final games. But I do believe that the mRNA injection does increase the probability of collapse and death. +4
        • 你自己信就行了,不要到处嚷嚷试图让别人也信。 +1
          • 新闻上看来的。那人死都死了,什么信不信的。 +4
            • 你要是转述新闻呢就表明转载或者加个引号,否则看起来就表示是你自己的观点。
              • I messed up. Was talking about #15573048@0 +1
    • 575个现在躲过了,5年之内50%幸存率。Peter 曾经说过"No heart damage is MILD" +4
      • 球星的娃难逃一劫啊,可怜的孩子,生在左左家。 +4
    • The Military Authorized the Jabs +2