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多伦多完成基础免疫 18~49岁95%,12~17岁94%,70以上84%


Primary series completed: People who have completed their primary vaccination series, and therefore have received at least:

  • 3 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine for ages 6 months to 4 years
  • 2 doses of a 2-dose vaccine, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty, Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty 5 to 11 years, Moderna Spikevax, AstraZeneca Vaxzevria, COVISHIELD, or Novavax Nuvaxovid COVID-19 vaccines, or
  • 1 dose of the Janssen Jcovden COVID-19 vaccine


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 在一个单一可控的环境,没打过“疫苗”的,COVID感染率35%,打过的55%,这已经不是什么防传染的问题了,而是增加传染得病机率. +5
    • 如果是经过几年,病毒经多次传播后得出这个结论并不奇怪。因为没有打过疫苗的人感染后获得的抗体要强于打过疫苗而没有感染过的人群。其实大部分打过2-3针后躲过病毒初期的大流行,或者已经感染过的人群里继续打疫苗的已经是极少数了。 +1
      • 没打过疫苗的有65%从来没感染过,也不存在感染后获得的抗体。 +4
        • 这个要测过抗体才能作数,都知道有无症状感染者存在
          • 打不打疫苗都有无症状感染者,为什么不打的感染率35%,打疫苗的感染率55%? +4
            • 年龄一锅煮吗?
              • 今年1到7月,65岁以上,打了二阶疫苗的感染率6.45%,没打疫苗的感染率4.5%。 +2
                • 有后面的数据么?针对轻症,重症,死亡率的对比
              • 锅虽小了一些,但还是一锅煮,65岁以上不打2阶疫苗的身体身体棒棒哒
        • 不知道这个65%是什么时候的数据,
          • 这是加州监狱的最新数据。 +1
            Background In 2023, breakthrough COVID-19 infections among vaccinated individuals and reinfections in previously infected people have become common. Additionally, infections are due to Omicron subvariants of the virus that behave differently from those at the onset of the pandemic. Understanding how vaccination and natural immunity influence COVID-19 infection rates is crucial, especially in high-density congregate settings such as prisons, to inform public health strategies. Methods We analyzed COVID-19 surveillance data from January to July 2023 across 33 California state prisons, primarily a male population of 96,201 individuals. We computed the incidence rate of new COVID-19 infections among COVID-bivalent-vaccinated and entirely unvaccinated groups (those not having received either the bivalent or monovalent vaccine). Results Our results indicate that the infection rates in the bivalent-vaccinated and entirely unvaccinated groups are 3.24% (95% confidence interval (CI): 3.06-3.42%) and 2.72% (CI: 2.50-2.94%), respectively, with an absolute risk difference of only 0.52%. When the data were filtered for those aged 50 and above, the infection rates were 4.07% (CI: 3.77-4.37%) and 3.1% (CI: 2.46-3.74%), respectively, revealing a mere 0.97% absolute risk difference. Among those aged 65 and above, the infection rates were 6.45% (CI: 5.74-7.16%) and 4.5% (CI: 2.57-6.43%), respectively, with an absolute risk difference of 1.95%. Conclusion We note low infection rates in both the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups, with a small absolute difference between the two across age groups. A combination of monovalent and bivalent vaccines and natural infections likely contributed to immunity and a lower level of infection rates compared to the height of the pandemic. It is possible that a degree of 'herd immunity' has been achieved. Yet, using p<0.05 as the threshold for statistical significance, the bivalent-vaccinated group had a slightly but statistically significantly higher infection rate than the unvaccinated group in the statewide category and the age ≥50 years category. However, in the older age category (≥65 years), there was no significant difference in infection rates between the two groups. This suggests that while the bivalent vaccine might offer protection against severe outcomes, it may not significantly reduce the risk of infections entirely. Further research is needed to understand the reasons behind these findings and to consider other factors, such as underlying health conditions. This study underscores the importance of developing vaccines that target residual COVID-19 infections, especially in regard to evolving COVID-19 variants.
            • 这就是我所质疑的地方,如果某个人从来没去检测过,他/她当然不会被记录为感染过。就像病毒大流行期间安省每天统计数据只有几百上千人感染一样,这些只是重症去医院或检测机构检测后才会有数据记载,大部分轻症自己在家检测或根本不去医院的根本就不会记录在案。
              • 同样是监狱里的犯人,你不会认为监狱只给打了疫苗的检测,不给不打疫苗的检测吧?同样的居住环境,同样的检测条件,这是最公平的对比。 +5
    • 疫苗做不到完全防感染,正常。感染后呢,各自重症,死亡率如何?正常人每天接触病毒无数,感染无可避免,对厉害病毒因人体接种疫苗产生抗体,多数做到无症或轻症。没接种的才会因没有提前准备,更危险的面对真的病毒 +1
      • 从来没人要求疫苗完全防感染,很多数据表明,疫苗不但不能防感染,还增加感染率。 +4
        • 打疫苗,最终目的不是看感染率,因为病毒无处不在,随时可能变新,被感染几乎是肯定的,只是程度问题,疫苗保护三个级别,新老疫苗都基本无法做到完全防感染。所以疫苗重点做的就是尽可能保护人体感染后无症或轻症,并减少传染 +1
    • 可是可以防重症呀? 不行? 那可以防死亡呀? 又不行? 世上没有哪种疫苗可以100%保护你! 一个100%不防传染的疫苗, 这样说好像也对. 北朝鲜说:美国也不是100%的民主国家. +10
      • 本坛已经贴过很多数据了,打了疫苗的死亡率高于不打的。 +9
        • 本来就是老年人的疫苗率高得多 +1
          • 多伦多完成基础免疫 18~49岁95%,12~17岁94%,70以上84% +2


            Primary series completed: People who have completed their primary vaccination series, and therefore have received at least:

            • 3 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine for ages 6 months to 4 years
            • 2 doses of a 2-dose vaccine, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty, Pfizer-BioNTech Comirnaty 5 to 11 years, Moderna Spikevax, AstraZeneca Vaxzevria, COVISHIELD, or Novavax Nuvaxovid COVID-19 vaccines, or
            • 1 dose of the Janssen Jcovden COVID-19 vaccine

            • 这个是两针率,疫苗有有效期路人皆知
              • 我怎么没听说牛痘要打4-5针, 而且有效期只有3-4个月涅? 你小时候哪个疫苗要打3-4针, 有效期居然还不到一年的? +6
                • 过去没有的不代表现在没有,况且流感疫苗就可以年年打
                • wo去,不说打针,就说吃药,很成熟的药,不同药,你会不遵医嘱,按一个剂量,还可能是最大剂量,往肚子里灌,往pp上打么?就算好这口,也得有点起码的常识吧, 别总是药吃多了的感觉,说一堆毫无逻辑的话出来 +1
              • 年青人的疫苗接种率比老年人高,不用转到疫苗期限的话题。只是回复你这句话的,“本来就是老年人的疫苗率高得多 -xiaozuiba(老牌铲屎官); 9-8 14:06”
                • 接种率,年轻的肯定没中老年人的高,但年轻的接种数量有可能高,只能说明还有很多年轻的没有接种,具体数据可以去政府网站查看,有详细数据图表的
                • 回复时排在前面的是两针率,有效期的提示可以引出加强针率吧?
      • 接种疫苗肯定比什么都不打,更保护人体安全。请问,你为啥要给孩子打那么多疫苗呢?你孩子在学校有过感冒吧,估计已经被感染了,相当于打针了,赶紧的,打你的七针去吧,哈哈
        • 因为小孩打的疫苗是真的可以免疫, 可以防传染, 可以避免相应的病毒爆发, 请问小孩们打的疫苗, 那种免疫的病毒爆发过? 除了这个新冠"疫苗"? +5
          • 呵呵,你知道现在小孩子们打得,你认为很安全的疫苗,从出现到成熟用了多久么?小孩子们要是赶上头一波新出炉的疫苗,你们会不会也如现在一样,高喊着“不打,不打,就是不打,嗯们的自身免疫世界最强”呢,然后,就可能出现你并不想看到的结果了。。。