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其中还包括与投资西安银行股份有限公司(Bank of Xi’an Co. Ltd.)有关的2.8亿税后减值支出,以及包括软件在内的某些无形资产的减值。 丰业银行指出,西安银行的市值长期以来一直低于该行的账面价值。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 一早新闻,Scotiabank to Lay Off 3% of Workforce,write down和中国西安银行430mm相关业务, 房市压力又大了 +2
    • 决策层的错误转嫁给员工?
      • 大概3000人,不单是那个, 好像还在restructuring,退出一些和房地产相关业务
        • 全加三千人?
          • 全球
            • 会不会是把印度分公司的裁了? +1
              • 师爷,印度分公司工资高不高啊?
                • 经常有这边的人培训印度分公司的人,培训结束,这边的职位被裁掉
      • 什么错误?
        • They also include an impairment charge of $280 million after-tax related to its investment in Bank of Xi’an Co. Ltd. as well as the impairment of certain intangible assets including software.

          They also include an impairment charge of $280 million after-tax related to its investment in Bank of Xi’an Co. Ltd. as well as the impairment of certain intangible assets including software.

          Scotiabank noted that the market value of Bank of Xi’an has remained below the bank’s carrying value for a prolonged period.

          “We expect the savings on the above items to be achieved throughout fiscal 2024 and anticipate full run-rate benefits in fiscal 2025,” the bank said in a statement.

        • 这个算投资错误吧?
    • 为什么?
    • 这个银行在五大行里最差,网上所有评论基本都是差评,投诉它都无门,可能政府故意鼓捣一个差的银行平衡一下 +2
      • 印象中CIBC更烂 +2
        • cibc最小,做事小心些真的,但我和cibc打交道很多年了无事故,有一次没有注意一件事忘掉了,去申诉过一次,都很容易解决了,scotia看网上评论就知道了,得分好像一个星
    • 他家狠人新CEO年初上任,居然忍到现在才裁员,我有点吃惊 +2
      • 以巴冲突,正好趁乱裁员 +2
    • 各行各业裁员刚开始。大规模还在后头呢 +2