2023-09-20(周三), Queens Park, Toronto. 今天,近百个加拿大城市同时同步举行反对政府在学校推行SOGI(Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity)。用我通俗的话说,就是抗议学校鼓励小孩割鸡鸡乱进厕所,而且不必让家长知道和同意,更过分的是,家长如果知道了敢阻拦,就坐两年牢! 而且最重要的是,这是穆斯林发起的大规模抗议!佩服穆…
第一轮的情况:为了孩子百万大游行1 Million march 4 children-多伦多
2023-09-20(周三), Queens Park, Toronto. 今天,近百个加拿大城市同时同步举行反对政府在学校推行SOGI(Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity)。用我通俗的话说,就是抗议学校鼓励小孩割鸡鸡乱进厕所,而且不必让家长知道和同意,更过分的是,家长如果知道了敢阻拦,就坐两年牢! 而且最重要的是,这是穆斯林发起的大规模抗议!佩服穆…
Jewish groups call on Trudeau to clarify Gaza blast comments, Canada won't comment on culpability
Facing calls to clarify his previous comments, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Thursday the Canadian government is working 'rapidly' with allies to determine exactly what happened in the Gaza hospital blast that's become a point of contention amid the Israel-Hamas war.
智忧党政客想贿赂百万大游行的木木组织者---Interview- Parental Rights Advocate Says He Was Offered Bribe To Stop His Parental Rights Mission - Rumble