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Acupuncture vs. Morphine for Emergency Department Patients with Pain

Daniel J. Pallin, MD, MPH, reviewing Grissa MH et al. Am J Emerg Med 2016 Jul 20

A large randomized trial finds acupuncture to be superior.

Acupuncture has been studied for a variety of conditions and has been found to be effective for some. Now, investigators in Tunisia have conducted a randomized trial comparing acupuncture to morphine for treatment of pain in 300 emergency department (ED) patients with moderate to severe pain from a variety of causes.

Morphine was administered at an initial dose of 0.1 mg/kg, followed by 0.05 mg/kg every 5 minutes until reaching a maximum dose of 15 mg or a 50% or greater reduction in pain score on a visual analog pain scale (the main outcome). Acupuncture was performed according to a semi-standardized protocol.

A reduction in pain score ≥50% was achieved more often in the acupuncture group compared with the morphine group (92% vs. 78%) and was achieved faster (mean time, 16 vs. 28 minutes). Minor adverse events were more common in the morphine group (57%) than in the acupuncture group (3%).


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 太折磨人了。早上牙医费老劲把那颗裂开的牙齿拔掉了。现在超级超级痛。吃了两片止痛药片都不管用。只能拿着冰袋捂着,感觉好一些。年过半百,开始体验这种痛,太遭罪了。大家都好好保护牙齿。以后再不吃硬的东西了 +2
    • 可以扎针灸止痛,比吗啡还管用。

      Acupuncture vs. Morphine for Emergency Department Patients with Pain

      Daniel J. Pallin, MD, MPH, reviewing Grissa MH et al. Am J Emerg Med 2016 Jul 20

      A large randomized trial finds acupuncture to be superior.

      Acupuncture has been studied for a variety of conditions and has been found to be effective for some. Now, investigators in Tunisia have conducted a randomized trial comparing acupuncture to morphine for treatment of pain in 300 emergency department (ED) patients with moderate to severe pain from a variety of causes.

      Morphine was administered at an initial dose of 0.1 mg/kg, followed by 0.05 mg/kg every 5 minutes until reaching a maximum dose of 15 mg or a 50% or greater reduction in pain score on a visual analog pain scale (the main outcome). Acupuncture was performed according to a semi-standardized protocol.

      A reduction in pain score ≥50% was achieved more often in the acupuncture group compared with the morphine group (92% vs. 78%) and was achieved faster (mean time, 16 vs. 28 minutes). Minor adverse events were more common in the morphine group (57%) than in the acupuncture group (3%).

      • 学习了。现在来不及
      • 或者可以点按穴位 - 下牙痛用合谷穴,上牙痛用内庭穴·。穴位点按时长5-10分钟。
    • 医生应该给你开那种带咖啡因的强镇痛药。而且,你应该同时把种牙完成了,少遭一次罪。
      • 谢谢答复。不知道这茬。
        • 种牙最少要见牙医2,3次,怎么可能一次完成? +4
    • 去买一瓶大麻油, 效果令你惊奇。CBD oil 30ml
      • 会上瘾不?
        • 100次都不会。你偶尔1、2次没关系。
      • 喝太多会拉稀
      • 伤肝
    • really, 我天天嘎嘣嘎嘣的吃nuts, 如果裂缝了就只能拔掉种牙了,种的牙也挺好使,就是6千块有点贵。
      • 国内人民币6000.
    • 有一种药水可以止痛, 直接去 Shoppers 买来沫在痛的地方, 很有用。
      • 有图片吗?谢谢
        • 去店里问, 药剂师肯定知道。非处方药
    • 是不是没消炎就拔的缘故呢。我去年镶牙前需要拔几棵,当时并不疼,可医生说x光显示根有炎症,给开了七天青霉素吃完才开始拔,而且一次就一颗,也真是折磨人,一共拔了一个多月。你还是要注意好好消炎。吃点消炎药。我拔第一个牙记得也给了消炎药。24,小时之内只能吃流食。
      • 今天好很多了,消炎了,也不那么疼了。昨天可能止疼药不够及时吃,麻药药效又太快结束,所以疼得无法呼吸的感觉。过一个小时后,药效来了,就没有那么疼了。唉! +1
    • 同情一下🤝。我也是因为牙受了很多的罪。
      • 谢谢。现在开始注意了。晚上朋友邀请啃农场刚摘下来的苹果,都不敢了。以后只能小块小块,刀切着吃了:) +1