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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

What's wrong with the Beijing Office of Canada Embassy?

my husband took ME in Beijing on Sept 18. and i took ME in Philadelphia one week later. We cannot get LP untill the Beijing Office receive the FBI non-criminal certificate of me. I'm still waiting for the reply from FBI and so suprisingly that the Embassy called my husband two weeks b4 asking whether i have got the certificate. They also said they would issue the LP as soon as they get my non-criminal document. It seemed that they are even more eager than us..:-)
BTW, we sent out the application package on March 11. See the efficiency of the Beijing Office..

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 今天去了大使馆,没带身份证,不让查LP的状态,回来后,收到大使馆的mail,说LP已签发了!正准备寄出来!我们是2000-10-21号体检的!北京的案子!通告各位一声!
    • It is nice to know that you finally get your LP. Congratulations!
    • so quickly, congratulations.I passed medical on 7th,October,2000(hk) now still waiting for lp....
      • 很奇怪,他们北京的怎么会这么快,而且还仁慈到发MAIL到信箱说LP已寄出。香港的同胞们何时才能打翻身仗,现在想想,到底是咱北京,“解放区的天,真是明亮的天”,何时能泽被香港,解放我们痛等LP的苦难同胞。
        • 你误解了我的意思我,我是发mail去询问的使管我的申请情况的。其实你只要发mail一般他们都会回的,我就发过好几封别的信,他们也都回了。
        • 不好意思,忘了告诉大家北京使管的联系地址了:beijing-immigration@dfait-maeci.gc.ca,询问时附上你的FN,姓名,出生日期,然后简短说话,就可以了
    • 不可思忆的快啊,我是9月8日的ME(HONGKONG),还在等,没消息。当初真该往北京送的,可我那SINGAPORE的代理非要讲香港快,真是的,等了一年半了,LP还没到手。有时想想真窝火,真想骂香港领馆“他妈的”。
      • 同骂!同骂!我等了18个月面试通知还没收到呢!TMD!TNND!
        • 你同样可以写mail到香港使馆查询,而且香港使馆的回信速度比北京使馆快多了.
      • 你可以自己写mail到香港使馆查询,香港使馆的回信速度比北京使馆快多了.
    • What's wrong with the Beijing Office of Canada Embassy?
      my husband took ME in Beijing on Sept 18. and i took ME in Philadelphia one week later. We cannot get LP untill the Beijing Office receive the FBI non-criminal certificate of me. I'm still waiting for the reply from FBI and so suprisingly that the Embassy called my husband two weeks b4 asking whether i have got the certificate. They also said they would issue the LP as soon as they get my non-criminal document. It seemed that they are even more eager than us..:-)
      BTW, we sent out the application package on March 11. See the efficiency of the Beijing Office..