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Graduates from the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization at the University of Waterloo have a wide range of career options available to them, some common career paths for graduates with a degree in combinatorics and optimization include:

Research Scientist/Academia: Many graduates choose to pursue careers in academia or research institutions, where they can continue to explore theoretical aspects of combinatorics and optimization, as well as apply their research to solve real-world problems. They may work as professors, postdoctoral researchers, or research scientists in universities, research labs, or think tanks.

Data Scientist/Analyst: With their strong background in mathematics, algorithms, and problem-solving, graduates can excel in data science roles. They may work for tech companies, financial institutions, or consulting firms, where they analyze data, develop algorithms, and build models to extract insights and inform decision-making.

Software Engineer/Developer: Graduates with programming skills acquired during their studies can pursue careers as software engineers or developers. They may work for software companies, startups, or tech giants, developing algorithms, designing optimization tools, or building software solutions for various applications such as logistics, transportation, or network optimization.

Operations Research Analyst: Operations research analysts use mathematical modeling and optimization techniques to solve complex problems in various industries, including transportation, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, and finance. Graduates may work for government agencies, consulting firms, or large corporations, helping them improve efficiency, reduce costs, and make better strategic decisions.

Quantitative Analyst (Quant): Quants use mathematical models and quantitative techniques to analyze financial markets, manage risk, and develop trading strategies. Graduates with a strong mathematical background and expertise in optimization may find employment in hedge funds, investment banks, or financial services firms as quantitative analysts or quantitative researchers.

Entrepreneur/Startup Founder: Some graduates may choose to start their own companies or join startups, leveraging their expertise in combinatorics and optimization to develop innovative solutions to challenging problems. They may work in areas such as algorithmic trading, supply chain optimization, scheduling software, or network analysis tools.

These are just a few examples of the diverse career paths available to graduates from the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization at the University of Waterloo. The interdisciplinary nature of the field, combined with strong analytical and problem-solving skills, opens up opportunities in various industries and sectors, allowing graduates to pursue rewarding and impactful careers.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 搞不清Loo 的CO 专业是干嘛的,国内叫运筹学。外卖公司快递公司应该有需求,但除此之外呢? +1
    • 风声可能知道答案,快去喊他。
      • 我前一段一直在看:过两天我写个完整一点的,我喜欢将C和O分开看,虽然UW放在了一起。
        • 👍
        • 等你写的。我的答案太庸俗了,所以就不说了。
          • Quants 不庸俗,CS也一样,人各有志,各有所长。陈-西蒙斯理论的两个人不同走向都挺好的! +1
    • Graduates from the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization at the University of Waterloo have a wide range of career options available to them, some common career paths for graduates with a degree in combinatorics and optimization include:

      Research Scientist/Academia: Many graduates choose to pursue careers in academia or research institutions, where they can continue to explore theoretical aspects of combinatorics and optimization, as well as apply their research to solve real-world problems. They may work as professors, postdoctoral researchers, or research scientists in universities, research labs, or think tanks.

      Data Scientist/Analyst: With their strong background in mathematics, algorithms, and problem-solving, graduates can excel in data science roles. They may work for tech companies, financial institutions, or consulting firms, where they analyze data, develop algorithms, and build models to extract insights and inform decision-making.

      Software Engineer/Developer: Graduates with programming skills acquired during their studies can pursue careers as software engineers or developers. They may work for software companies, startups, or tech giants, developing algorithms, designing optimization tools, or building software solutions for various applications such as logistics, transportation, or network optimization.

      Operations Research Analyst: Operations research analysts use mathematical modeling and optimization techniques to solve complex problems in various industries, including transportation, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, and finance. Graduates may work for government agencies, consulting firms, or large corporations, helping them improve efficiency, reduce costs, and make better strategic decisions.

      Quantitative Analyst (Quant): Quants use mathematical models and quantitative techniques to analyze financial markets, manage risk, and develop trading strategies. Graduates with a strong mathematical background and expertise in optimization may find employment in hedge funds, investment banks, or financial services firms as quantitative analysts or quantitative researchers.

      Entrepreneur/Startup Founder: Some graduates may choose to start their own companies or join startups, leveraging their expertise in combinatorics and optimization to develop innovative solutions to challenging problems. They may work in areas such as algorithmic trading, supply chain optimization, scheduling software, or network analysis tools.

      These are just a few examples of the diverse career paths available to graduates from the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization at the University of Waterloo. The interdisciplinary nature of the field, combined with strong analytical and problem-solving skills, opens up opportunities in various industries and sectors, allowing graduates to pursue rewarding and impactful careers.

    • 服装厂做衣服,衣服分成很多块,这些块需要从布料上切下来。怎么切,剩下的废布料最少?三维的例子,如集装优化。
    • 生产系统工程,流水线作业怎么安排是最经济合理的,还有流水线工人按照什么顺序编排干活的动作才能做到效率最优化。
      • 这个应该是工业工程,加拿大温莎大学最好。运筹学国内那会儿属于数学系的。 +1
        • 要看各学校运筹学侧重于其社会科学属性还是自然科学属性,社会科学会放在管理学院,自然科学放在数学学院。
    • AI 是它孙子 +1
      • 乱扯吧.我算是入门ai本科水平.完全不知道乱七八糟的Co.系统.运筹学和ai也是不相干的 +1
    • 系统优化应该应用广泛, 看着有点像运筹学(Operations research)。我原来一同事,准确来讲是我老板一级的同事,同一大组,但他在纽约,是个能人,U Princeton OR 本硕,现在是一对冲基金合伙人
      • 那是别人学习能力强而已
      • 谢谢分享,在Loo的CO专业介绍里,OR 也是一个specification 。Loo少部分学有余力的math, CS学生会double major CO, 比较好奇背后的原因,这好像不是一个热门的专业,但学的人越来越多了。
        • 想真正学好CS,CO 的一些课程是必须修的,我想这就是原因😄。
    • 研究生阶段才叫运筹学。本科阶段是工业工程、管理工程、管理科学、数学。国内还叫做物联网工程。虽然是管理专业,但是数学不好学不了。
    • C&O不是运筹学。运筹学用一些C&O的知识,但比C&O浅少多了。UW的C&O是一门Major,比运筹学难学多了,加上coop也是要学5年。本楼关于运筹学的的帖子不是关于C&O的。C&O是组合数学与优化,理论性很强。上届菲尔茨奖得主就是研究组合数学的组合数学教授。C&O的一些 +4
      课程的前需课程是某些pMath课程,有的还要近世代数的知识。图论是C&O的一部分,如果想研究图论,就去学C&O的那些图论课。密码学也是C&O的一部分。另外还有拓扑学,凸凹论转角论...,还有涉及计算机内部符号学的,量子信息的,编程理论,算法优化等...。C&O是一门数学专业,需要数学功底与素养,不是什么专业都可以学的。C&O最好的出路是读博当教授搞研究,但职位少, 能到那一步需要学得非常非常好。C&O有算法优化课程,C&O其它课程也涉及到算法优化。AI由于对算力要求高,如果搞AI研发(不是AI应用),例如Open AI,应用到一些C&O知识,但这种公司很少。另外就是UW网站介绍的那些职位。
      • 这个专业的难度很接近纯数了,但又很实用。每届能顺利读下来的学生不多。 +1
        • 专业课程设置,pure math 和C O差异很大,我不比难度,因为人与人各有所长。
          • 看细一点,只有几门课的差别
            • 3、4level 专业课,CO有不同level可选,pure math没有,因为pure math还得继续pure ……
              有些课名很相近,CO可选不同level,pure math就没得选。
              • CO选难的不就行了。
                • 那倒是,pm351,352,365,450,pm没得选,CO 不必修,后续pmath courses, pure专业还得修,CO 不必修,但要修,都可以修,这是UW数学学院选课的优势,但从拿学位的要求角度,各专业的专业课程要求很不一样😊
    • 运筹学,俺可是在中国活学活用,这玩意儿现在都是一个专业了?
    • 如果文盲非要参合能人的高级讨论的时候, +1




    • 想的时候很容易, +2
      写下来才发现不懂的很多,串起来不易,就简单聊几句:1. Waterloo 数学学院旗下Dept CO 提供2个方向的本科学位, 第一个是Mathematical Optimization (MO),2个specialization: OR/Business。OR 偏科学属性,另外是商学结合。基本上是上面说的运筹学?第二个C&O如直言所说是数学学位,我按大多数的归类放在应用数学: 在网页上提到的6个领域教学科研都很强。2. CS学生选择C&O作为Double major的选择我猜测2个原因:1是和CS的关联度,尤其是近年Graph Theory/Algebraic Combinatorics 的兴起;2是选择纯数作为double major的适合度:读完Calculus III(分析性质的微积分)及抽象代数学生会自我感觉是否适合pmath. 不适合时C&O是另外的硬核选择。Triple 是少数的选择。3. 上面提到Princeton ORFE: 更多的交叉,从它PhD毕业走向看:基本HF QR和学术。4. 之前提到两位学者:Richard Peng 本科是CS/CO double major, 赵宇飞是C方面顶尖学者。
      • CO 的课,在AI研究工作中起着至关重要的作用 +1
        • 这是我不懂的领域,只是大致看过一些,依然不通,没串起来
          • 听说模型优化要用很多
            • 你家娃可以写些心得
              • 以前写过一些,现在没时间了
      • 👍,这几天我也一直在看各个专业的课程设置,triple本就是CO题。 +1
        • 感觉从软到硬通吃,让学生去选择适合自己的,以财金为例:AFM》FARM/Math CPA》MF》pmath
          • 北美最大的数院,应有尽有😊 +1
    • 选择大于努力,谢谢各位的分享,我也找到一点该专业毕业去向的碎片。
      • 有个梦想,ORFE 普林斯顿,当复旦“史上最牛班级”出来的范剑青的学生。
      • 嘿嘿
        • 哈哈😄,还是算了吧。接着看uw数院的各专业课程设置,让孩子找个专业和课程组合最优解。
          • 最优解现在不用找出来,读了以后会经常调整的。现在定个大方向,差不多就可以了
            • 是,了解大概,适时调整。