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When Trump has told his supporters to get vaccinated
At various points in 2021, former president Donald Trump has encouraged his supporters to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. Read more: https://wapo.st/...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 辛普森确实这个时候应该死了。为什么?他不仅打了新冠病毒疫苗,而且还帮助推广注射新冠病毒疫苗。 +3
    • Another case +1
    • 老家你又发帖说苗子,苗人们又要气晕了哈 +2
      • 想让他们早一天苏醒过来,不要继续听政府话,不要继续打新冠病毒疫苗了。
        • 你这是任重道远啊,他们对疫苗可是真爱啊😂
    • 杀人犯、抢劫犯、疫苗粉,死有余辜 -itwriting(halfpercent); 4-11 +6
    • 我去,恶心坏了。疫苗居然请这种人来推广 +2
      • 太正常了,土豆这样的烂人也一样推广疫苗。 +3
        • 太正常了。川普这样的烂人也一样推广疫苗 +1
          When Trump has told his supporters to get vaccinated
          At various points in 2021, former president Donald Trump has encouraged his supporters to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. Read more: https://wapo.st/...
          • I remember the time that President Trump called for people to take vaccines. It was during a rally. He got booed from the audience. He never did it again. 😁 +2
          • 真咔?权力腐蚀人心呀,日防夜防家贼难防
    • 幸灾乐祸,有些人越来越没人性了。 +1