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Iran nuclear site deep underground challenges West
In central Iran, workers are building a nuclear facility so deep in the earth that it is likely beyond the range of U.S. weapons designed specifically for su...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / Biden rushed back to the White House on Saturday as a barrage of drones was launched from Iran to Israel
    • 拭目以待。 +1
    • 以色列可以乘机摧毁伊朗的核设施,彻底解除伊朗的威胁。不然伊朗躲在背后让代理人捣乱,反而难缠
      • 伊朗吸取了以前的教训,现在的核设施在山里面,地下80至100米,美国和以色列的常规武器很难摧毁,否则以色列早动手了。扔个几十万吨级的原子弹或者百万级的氢弹可能可以,要不就是搞渗透然后想办法从内部毁掉 +1
        Iran nuclear site deep underground challenges West
        In central Iran, workers are building a nuclear facility so deep in the earth that it is likely beyond the range of U.S. weapons designed specifically for su...
        • 中东之所有一直不和平就是因为没有一个国家有核武,伊朗一旦有了核武,整个中东就消停了
        • In central Iran, workers are building a nuclear facility so deep in the earth that it is likely beyond the range of U.S. weapons designed specifically for such sites. That's according to experts and new satellite imagery analyzed by The Associated Press.
          (May 22) (AP video: Marshall Ritzel)
    • 油价暴涨,通胀是挡不住了,以色列这个恶魔这是一定要拖美国下水 +1
      • 胡扯,明明是伊朗支持哈马斯等小喽啰挑衅以色列的 +3
        • 以色列故意攻击伊朗大使馆的目的就是拉美国下水 +1
      • 油价140的时候,加币比美元值钱。
    • 伊朗从本土发起攻击,以色列可以出动F35横扫伊朗本土了 +1