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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Japanese auto giant Toyota's joint venture in China has plans to introduce plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) models in the next two to three years, and the probability is that it will no longer use Toyota's original Hybrid model, but may adopt BYD's DM-i technology.One of the key reasons why Toyota is leaning towards adopting 's DM-i technology is that it is less expensive and relatively mature.


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  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 丰田申请了大量的油驱混动专利,把别家干油驱混动的路堵死了。把王传福逼上电驱混动的路,没想到通过迭代,比亚迪的电驱混动比丰田还好。丰田现在都用比亚迪DM-i技术。

    Japanese auto giant Toyota's joint venture in China has plans to introduce plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) models in the next two to three years, and the probability is that it will no longer use Toyota's original Hybrid model, but may adopt BYD's DM-i technology.One of the key reasons why Toyota is leaning towards adopting 's DM-i technology is that it is less expensive and relatively mature.

    • 增程混动是本田的技术路线,只是在跟丰田竞争中本田完败 +1
      • 本田的也是电辅油驱,丰田的电辅油驱是目前最优的方案,任何走类丰田方案的不可能打赢。
    • 丰田直接套壳比亚迪销往北美,也是一条生财之道呀。
      • 已经套了一个。
    • 只知道现在卖得最火的车是Toyota hybrid。dealer 加价还买不到。 +1
      • 因为中国的车子不能在这里卖,其他的车𠂆因为丰田用专利把路堵死了,暂没有比行星组更好的方案。 +4
        • 北美这边的左派会把我们勒死。汽车贵几倍。如果你想自己动手干些小项目小维修,零件不好买海贵十来倍
    • 全文在这里 +1
      One of the key reasons why Toyota is leaning towards adopting BYD's DM-i technology is that it is less expensive and relatively mature, according to local media.
    • 感觉好像没有加拿大什么事儿,加拿大好像完美地避开了所有的产业升级和技术革命,自从黑莓自己被自己打趴下了之后。
      • 加拿大不光产业升级和技术革命不行,就连传统的优势也不行了。说句实在的,加拿大的技术水平在倒退,美国的传统技术也在倒退。 +1
      • 就是因为北电,庞巴迪,黑莓被搞死了,加拿大人彻底躺平了。不管搞出什么,对美国来说就是打地鼠游戏。 +1
        • 一是被搞,二是自己蠢的一批。当年这几家公司的高管,几天不因为干蠢事上新闻,都新鲜。很久以前参加一个IT创业成功企业推介会,某IT企业就直接说,他成功的经验就是把企业搬离加拿大去美国。