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zt:Supreme Court, for Now, Blocks Expanded Protections for Transgender Students in Some States

The order came in response to a Biden administration challenge to Republican-led efforts to block federal rules prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in schools.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / zt:Supreme Court, for Now, Blocks Expanded Protections for Transgender Students in Some States
    The order came in response to a Biden administration challenge to Republican-led efforts to block federal rules prohibiting discrimination against transgender people in schools.
    • 麻烦翻译一下,我看不到。
      • 就是联邦政府教育部涉及到不得歧视跨性别人的rule,在正式判决前,暂时停止执行,而且是九个大法官都一致同意。
        • 把rule也写成中文就完美了
        • 这是好事,一旦正式判决就会变成先例对后世产生影响。
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        • 个人的意见,可以不懂装懂,然后就被吊起来,狠狠打一顿,谁教你的不懂装懂。
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