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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 你们觉得这个会发生吗?
    • 美国现在什么都可能发生。
      • 嗯, 你说得很对。
    • Judge Merchan just delayed sentencing after the election. This is breaking news. As much as I would like to see Trump being held responsible for what he did, I think this is the right decision for the sake of the country. Hats off to the judge.
      • 华左见白左,。。。 +4
      • 这法官的女儿的公司为拜登和贺锦丽服务,这么大的利益冲突,他根本应该回避川普的官司,他怎么能做到公正? +3
    • 即使判刑川普也会上诉的。现在最高法的大法官们大部分是川普的人,所以无论如何也会把川普保下来的,放心吧。川普要不是有这个保证,也不敢这么闹。 +1
    • 我觉得不会。