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"How do I let you know that I'm very nice, very normal, and just want to love someone who loves me...?"

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Looking for someone who is male, who is 30+, honest, open minded, enjoy and appreciate life even when it is tough(it is tough though), brave enough to solve problems rather than complaining or escaping, respect himself as well as others, understand the importance of communication, like outdoor activities and interested in music, 172cm+(sorry to put this in because I am tall).

I am a optimistical person; like to take challenges. I work hard(always the best employee), and study hard(try to be the best too). But it doesn't mean that work and study are the priorities in my life(instead, they would never be). I do so because someday I can always come home at 5pm so I can make dinner, run a bath for my special love, watering flower, this is what I would like to do, for... maybe even you. I give a lot and love to get a lot. It's easy when the art of give and take is used the right way...

I like walking around after dinner everyday -- except in winter :)
I like gardering, and hope one day can take some courses
I love cooking; like to try different food
I like musicals, movies, and dancing

I make mistakes time by time, and have bad habits too.
I leave the lights in the washroom on all day long
I don't put back my staff to the place it used to be
My closet is full of clothes but I still feel I need THAT one

I guess I just spoke too much(is it the longest one?) Well, what I want is the opertunity to be happy and to make someone happy, life's too short to hang around and let it drop into your lap, I believe you get out of life what you put in, and give to others...

Best wishes to everyone who is looking for his/her right person!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net