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URGENT!I got a free book named "Opertator's License information"--Basic licence driver's handbook in international center.Where can get the exam contents as you refferred to?

URGENT!I got a free book named "Opertator's License information"--Basic licence driver's handbook in international center.Is that book enough. Where can get the exam contents as you refferred to? Any one can give me some suggestion.There are 11chapters in the book,
1.obtaining your opertator's licence
2.traffice control
3.basic driving skill
4.turns and intersections
5.lane driving
6.sharing the road
7.emergency driving
8. responsible driver
9.driving within the law
10.registration and insurance
11towing a trail

which parts will be tested.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 各位考过笔试的大虾,我买的书怎么这么薄呀!内容连国内的1/4都没有,才5刀多,是这一本不够呀?可他只让我买这本。
    • 对,很薄的。
    • 那你背国内的书吧,如果你觉得背多点比较过瘾的话。
      • 什么话!我是怕买错了书!白考一次!
        • 我看了两小时书,错了一道,还是看错了题目。就是这么简单,放心去吧。
    • 正是因为薄薄的一本小书,才有大把的人敢宣称看一遍就够了。不过我可是真心地劝你至少要看两遍啊!!^_^
      • Hi,melody,这周六还打球去吗?
        • 当然去啦,你们去吗?哼哼,上次你们居然偷偷FB去了,让我那个恨那!!!
    • 可别轻敌!昨天上午我又重考了第二次,100%对。我的朋友说中国人没有第一次考不过的,我是他听说的第一个。你可千万注意。
    • 直接去取就行了,不用买
    • 是很薄, 主要考交通标记和一些规则, 都是选择题, 允许错4道
      • 傻瓜
    • 对,就是这本,我也买了,花5元左右。背熟它准会过的,关键是考的时候别急,一题一题看准了慢慢做,没有时间限制的。
      • chinese version
        where I can buy chinese version in Vancouver?
    • 怎么我的是$7.9
      • 7.95的是英文的Official Driver's Handbook吧?这个详细,但如果考笔试,还是5块多的中文来得快。背会中文的,一般会遇到1-2题书上没有,不过很简单,都是常识性的,如“轮胎破了怎么办?”
        • 轮胎破了怎么办?
          • HELP! HELP! HELP!
          • 补呀! 开玩笑, 一般是丢油门,手档的话减档, 打双崩灯........
            • 基本正确,还要小心控制方向,千万不可刹车!
              • 还有如果旁边坐了一只米老鼠,把他的嘴捂住.呵呵
    • 只要把七十几道题目背出来就可以了。哈哈,简单,我也全对。
      • URGENT!I got a free book named "Opertator's License information"--Basic licence driver's handbook in international center.Where can get the exam contents as you refferred to?
        URGENT!I got a free book named "Opertator's License information"--Basic licence driver's handbook in international center.Is that book enough. Where can get the exam contents as you refferred to? Any one can give me some suggestion.There are 11chapters in the book,
        1.obtaining your opertator's licence
        2.traffice control
        3.basic driving skill
        4.turns and intersections
        5.lane driving
        6.sharing the road
        7.emergency driving
        8. responsible driver
        9.driving within the law
        10.registration and insurance
        11towing a trail

        which parts will be tested.