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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


heard about this? ca/usa, and, oh, mexico tri-lateral agreements.

Canada-USA are the best-friend countries, traditionally and geographically.

visiting (travelling, shopping...) either side is nearly as easy (for their citizens) as you go from anywhere to anywhere within a same, say, city.

working in either side is ez too, as long as you got employed. a so called term "TN" is for that purpose, paper work takes 20-30 min even if you get it processed at the last minute right before you r going to cross border for work.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 我想确认:是否入Canada 籍后就可以随便去US工作?  我一朋友已经得到新西兰的国籍,但为去US,要重新申请签证,并不比持中国passport更好办. 他觉得白费了3年.我不知道是不是去canada也会有这种情况. 有人知道详情吗? Thanks
    • Canadian citizen can visit US freely and be employed freely by any US employers. Although still needs some paperwork, it's pretty easy as I know.
      • but if i am an immigrant(not citizen)employed by US company,will i be freely go to US for work? Is it easy for me to get visa?
    • 免签证是双边或多边协定的结果.持新西兰护照去澳洲免签,持加拿大护照则可以得到上百国家的免签,呵呵,香港护照还有80几国免签呢.
    • NAFTA
      heard about this? ca/usa, and, oh, mexico tri-lateral agreements.

      Canada-USA are the best-friend countries, traditionally and geographically.

      visiting (travelling, shopping...) either side is nearly as easy (for their citizens) as you go from anywhere to anywhere within a same, say, city.

      working in either side is ez too, as long as you got employed. a so called term "TN" is for that purpose, paper work takes 20-30 min even if you get it processed at the last minute right before you r going to cross border for work.