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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

我在CCPE初审时遇到其对我大学课程的怀疑, 我是以材料工程师的身份DIY申请的. 非常焦急,盼望热心人给予回复!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我2000.09.22寄给CCPE的认证材料,CCPE在2000.12.29给了回复,其原话是:"Please provide complete and detailed descriptions for all third and fourth year Bachelor Degree courses, for the second year course entitled "country construction," and an abstract for your Bachelor Degree graduation thesis in order for CCPE to complete your assessment."

在我的大学中英文成绩单上第二学年有一课程是"社建",学校翻译为"country construction".


课程名称 学校原翻译 我认为的正确翻译
物理化学 Physical chemistory Physical chemistry

岩相学 Potrography Petrography

哲学 Philosophy

企业管理 Enterprise Management

技术经济 Technique economics

仪表与自动化 Meters and automation

形势教育 Politics

化工原理 Chemical ind. principles

硅物化 Silicon physical chemistry Silicate physical chemistry

硅热工 Silicon heat technique Silicate heat technique

生产实习 Production practice

思想品德 Morality

硅工机械 Silicon tech. machinery Silicate tech. machinery

热工学课程设计 Hert tech. courses design Heat tech. courses design

硅机械课程设计 Silicon machinery courses Silicate tech. machinery courses design

工厂设计 Plant design

规工艺 Silicon tech. Silicate tech.

硅工实验 Silicon tech. experiment Silicate tech. experiment

毕业设计 Graduation project


CCPE还在我的工程师资格初审表上在name of institution一栏里,对Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences打了个问号.

我是以materials engineer身份,DIY方式申请的.


1996.8-至今 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 无机非金属材料 助理研究员
1991.8-1993.8 合肥建材三厂 建筑材料 助理工程师

1987.8-1991.7 西北轻工业学院 无机非金属材料 工学学士
1993.8-1996.7 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 无机非金属材料 工学硕士

现在的问题出在哪里? 该如何回复CCPE? 回复的材料是否一定要再到学校去盖章?

我的email: mhhuang@kali.com.cn


rice更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 我在CCPE初审时遇到其对我大学课程的怀疑, 我是以材料工程师的身份DIY申请的. 非常焦急,盼望热心人给予回复!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我2000.09.22寄给CCPE的认证材料,CCPE在2000.12.29给了回复,其原话是:"Please provide complete and detailed descriptions for all third and fourth year Bachelor Degree courses, for the second year course entitled "country construction," and an abstract for your Bachelor Degree graduation thesis in order for CCPE to complete your assessment."

    在我的大学中英文成绩单上第二学年有一课程是"社建",学校翻译为"country construction".


    课程名称 学校原翻译 我认为的正确翻译
    物理化学 Physical chemistory Physical chemistry

    岩相学 Potrography Petrography

    哲学 Philosophy

    企业管理 Enterprise Management

    技术经济 Technique economics

    仪表与自动化 Meters and automation

    形势教育 Politics

    化工原理 Chemical ind. principles

    硅物化 Silicon physical chemistry Silicate physical chemistry

    硅热工 Silicon heat technique Silicate heat technique

    生产实习 Production practice

    思想品德 Morality

    硅工机械 Silicon tech. machinery Silicate tech. machinery

    热工学课程设计 Hert tech. courses design Heat tech. courses design

    硅机械课程设计 Silicon machinery courses Silicate tech. machinery courses design

    工厂设计 Plant design

    规工艺 Silicon tech. Silicate tech.

    硅工实验 Silicon tech. experiment Silicate tech. experiment

    毕业设计 Graduation project


    CCPE还在我的工程师资格初审表上在name of institution一栏里,对Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences打了个问号.

    我是以materials engineer身份,DIY方式申请的.


    1996.8-至今 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 无机非金属材料 助理研究员
    1991.8-1993.8 合肥建材三厂 建筑材料 助理工程师

    1987.8-1991.7 西北轻工业学院 无机非金属材料 工学学士
    1993.8-1996.7 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 无机非金属材料 工学硕士

    现在的问题出在哪里? 该如何回复CCPE? 回复的材料是否一定要再到学校去盖章?

    我的email: mhhuang@kali.com.cn


    rice更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 1. It is not as serious as you thought
      2. The name of the courses are badly translated and confusing. Hence
      they ask you to tell them more. You may want to write in english d detailed
      description for each course, hopefully you still remember

      3. For 'Country Construction', it is confusion for Chinese readers as well.
      Frankly speaking, no nody could understand what it means. Prividing further
      information is necessary.

      4. I understand your graduation was completed by a project. But a conventional
      way would be a project with a thesis. I was from china too, I know you must
      write a paper for the project. That inludes
      a) objective
      b) design
      c) implementation
      d) review

      if you can organise a abstract in such a way, I am confident that you will
      be fine.

      5. Be able to take it easy at any situation is always the most important thing.

      wish you success