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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


我看过无数份的layout,走访了所有可能的sales office,能谈的上满意的很少,当然这是指在一定的价格范围内.如果肯花钱当然是能买到满意的房子,但咱不是钱不够么.如果碰上了可意的房子,现在也是可以买的.就算等个两年,也不一定就能碰上适合自己的,其间还是要租房子,太不舒服.一般独立房还是基本保值的,不会亏得太多.如果我出现经济问题,无论房屋市场如何变化,结果对我来说都是一样的.虽然可能房屋市场会有变化,但是如果你真的需要,又有合适的选择,这房子也是可以买的.当然不急的话,再等等也是不错的.谁知道呢?最近买房子的人还真不少,我曾经看中几个地方,但有点犹豫,过了一星期,就卖出去了.而且builder也很牛,根本不和你讨价还价,你不买有人买.冬天买房子人少一点.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 买房买房! 周围的人都在赶集似的买房, 俺也要买了! 其实我的准备是最充分的了, 房型社区学校交通出租都考虑好了, 比那些整天嚷嚷买房的人都实在
    现在就差钱这一样儿了. 请大家帮我解决一下这个小问题
    • 集资买房? :-))说说你的打算把。
    • Sell your car out, since you have already considered about the transportation matter.
    • ?
    • 把你每个挣的钱交2/3给我,我帮你打理/投资,3年回报,哈哈,如何?
    • 1。抢银行。2。省吃简用。3。找份更好的工作。
    • 房型社区学校交通出租都考虑好了,说来听听,也许可以为你出出主意。:)
    • 现在买房的人真多,有钱的也多,带ravine的房子一下就卖完了,抢都抢不到,就像不要钱似的.
      • 不会叭,上星期六我去GOLF球场时顺便瞧了一下,sales office里居然只有一个 职员,也没几个人
        • 对呀,都出去看房了,在OFS里呆着干啥?
          • I mean new house, not resale market. For this economic situation, it is silly to buy house now. Even the economic is recover, the recover for the house market still need onw more year.
            History tells us: real estate market always follow the economic situation with one year delay.
            • 知道形式不好,但是也没办法,总要买房子住,等不得了,只好认了.
              • No, If you know the house price will go down in the next year, for example for 10% or even 5 %, why you have to buy it now.
                For a house priced from 300k to 400k now, it is very possible the price will go down at least 5 % in one year.

                So if you buy a new house now, you can only move in one year later. At that time, you house are deprictaed a lot. The bank will ask you pay more down payment. If you are not luck, you lose your job, you will be in big trouble.

                Of course, if you are sure you are luck or you have enough cash in hand, do not mind to lose some, this is no problem.
                • Why do you think the price will go down?
                  More and more new immigrants are coming and the rental for an apartment is going up. So there's no reason the house price will go down. Besides, if a house at nice location is sold, it's gone. You can't get it anymore. Not like a car, if you miss a 2001 Toyota, you can wait for 2002 model. So gotta be hurry. Besides, the mortgage rate is really low right now. When the economy recovers, the rate will go up for sure.
                  • If it like you said, the house price will always go up no matter how bad the economic. THAT IS NOT TRUE!
                    If the jobless rate growing, people will move out to other city where they can find a job.

                    If the jobless rate growing, immigrates will go elsewhere, such as Calagray instead of Toronto.

                    If the jobless rate growing, there are no many people can afford. Even the people with a job do not feel secure and dare not buy a house, who knows who will be the next one to be laid off.

                    There are new immigrates coming, but they can not save the whole economic.
                • 你说的是有道理.但是我们一般买房子多为了自住,自然要选一个自己喜欢的.价格只是其中一个因素.房子的位置,房型的设计,房屋的建材,等等,遇见基本上都能符合自己的要求的房子,也是不容易的.
                  我看过无数份的layout,走访了所有可能的sales office,能谈的上满意的很少,当然这是指在一定的价格范围内.如果肯花钱当然是能买到满意的房子,但咱不是钱不够么.如果碰上了可意的房子,现在也是可以买的.就算等个两年,也不一定就能碰上适合自己的,其间还是要租房子,太不舒服.一般独立房还是基本保值的,不会亏得太多.如果我出现经济问题,无论房屋市场如何变化,结果对我来说都是一样的.虽然可能房屋市场会有变化,但是如果你真的需要,又有合适的选择,这房子也是可以买的.当然不急的话,再等等也是不错的.谁知道呢?最近买房子的人还真不少,我曾经看中几个地方,但有点犹豫,过了一星期,就卖出去了.而且builder也很牛,根本不和你讨价还价,你不买有人买.冬天买房子人少一点.
                  • 我要是够钱,买块地自己设计自己建,当然请工人,多爽!我一个朋友就是这样。将三楼的部分楼顶设成透明的,包括洗手间。
                    • 真的吗?那也是我的愿望啊
                    • 大概花了多少钱?买地、设计、施工?我也最爱玻璃房子。
                      • 没仔细问他,感觉离我考虑这类问题还太早,他的房子很大,地理位置也好,在公园旁,总共85万,建筑成本大概35万,设计我觉得不会怎么花钱.
                        • 好贵呀。看来我还是放弃自己盖房子的念头吧。THANK YOU, ANYWAY.
                  • For your case, looking for 3-5 years resale house is a good alternative
                  • I saw a house across the street (Brimley) for sale for several months. I don't know why it is not sold.
                    • Because of
                      Price, Location and condition.
        • 你有没有看看还剩下多少好LOT,每次我去一个sales office的时候,总要叹息来得太迟了.
          • if you want a lot with view, you should always go for the project opening.
            • 有时候,等到它open了,好位置也没了.有些人总有内部消息,早早的就订上了.等来等去,也不知道能不能等上个合适的.不管了,先买一个再说,大不了以后卖了再买好的.
    • 这事最简单了,让我来处理
      • 还是farmer最看得出eglington的心思。人家“房型社区学校交通出租都考虑好了”,首期早就备好了,哪还用省那点搞创作的钱?剩下就是找哪家银行贷款划算的问题了。可惜我帮不到忙,还是有请各位有经验的出主意吧。
    • I bet after most people got a house, the price will down, same as stock,
      • yeah. when most people got a house. there is few house available in the market. xi.. xi..
    • 你要是不搞“创作”的话,就有买房子的钱了:)