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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Check this web site out, and sure you will find all the information you need. By the way, 表面上看,租房收入如果算是房东的收入,房东就会多交税,其实不然。




Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 我的房东拒收支票,付现金还不给收据。见我坚持索取收据就宣布要驱逐我,理由是要收回房间自用(我才住了一个月!),也不再来收下月的房租。我知道这是一个驱逐房客的合法理由。但我怎么证明真正的理由?向TRIBUNAL投诉有用吗?
    • sigh,要收据有什么用,最多报税时每月省20元,house的房东一般不给收据,否则报税时亏大了,跟房东好好说一说,干吗要投诉,不值。
      • 我觉得值,20元对每个新移民来说也很值了,最起码3个小时的工白打了。
        • 说得好!可以发传真投诉。
          搜索 Ontario Tenant Act. 在MSN.CA。
          • 嘿嘿,你怎么知道人家一定在安省呢?:P
    • I've been living in house since I got Toronto. Both of my landlords give me receipts. Otherwise it's illegal. Anyway, make sure of this item before moving in.
    • 法律规定房东必须提早2个月通知房客搬家.这才是真正的加拿大租赁房屋法律.你问911他们也会告诉你的.
    • Check this web site out, and sure you will find all the information you need. By the way, 表面上看,租房收入如果算是房东的收入,房东就会多交税,其实不然。


      • 哪住apartment的人怎么办?
        • 你说的是报税吧?住Apartment的,只要填报就可以了,肯定可以有退税。
      • That's in theory. Only when you "SPENT" some money on maintenance you may get tax return. But a lot of house onwers who rent rooms out may do nothing in the maintenance.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Also the rents are added on top of the owner's annual income. The marginal tax rate is quite high (43%). Under such a high marginal tax rate no body cares that part of the small amount of tax return (if any).

        Before you move in to a house (public apartment buldings managed by professional properties managment companies normally do not have this kind of problem.), make sure if the owner is willing to give you the receipt or not.

        Sometimes we rent a room or a floor of a house from a private owner of the house is just because the rents are low compared with an apartment suite.

        If one have ever filed a tax return form you posiblly would notice that the reduced tax from the land property tax or the rental cost is minimum (only 20% of the rents may be counted as land property tax, then may further increase your personal tax credit)

        If one is doing low income job that gives you an income around personal income tax credit ($74xx/year) the rents receipt may help you to increase your tax credit amount.

        If you already are earning a not-too-bad salary, say over $30000/year, then this receipt may never help you at all.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 太对了,不要老想投诉啊,控告啊,你看看大家怎么办。
      • 我十二月开始当 apartment 房东, 合租人出多少钱我就给相应的收据, 收入达一定数这点钱退不了税.
        我从去年到现在与人合租 apartment, 今年报税时房东说你不要报房租, 不然会算他们的收入. 我说不报房租那我说我住哪呀, 我坚持报了我出的房租数. 房东打工一月收入也就 1000多, 光房租就1100, 谁信呢.
        我报房租支出退不了一分钱税, 只为事实求是地报税.