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write simple but complete sentences;
correctly form the plural of single-syllable words (e.g., ball/balls, dog/dogs);

use a period at the end of a statement;
use a comma after a salutation in a letter or note (e.g., Dear Mom,);

correctly spell words identified by the teacher (on charts/lists posted in the room and on individual word lists);
use phonics to spell unfamiliar words;
use capitals to begin sentences and to differentiate certain words (the pronoun I, names, days of the week, and months);
Word Use and Vocabulary Building

use words from their oral vocabulary as well as less familiar words from class- displayed word lists;
Visual Presentation

print legibly (capitals and small letters);
leave spaces between words

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 我女儿去年9月来读GRADE 1,来的时候一点英语也不会,这学期的REPORT CARD,ESL听说读达到4级(一共5个LEVEL),写停留在LEVEL3(上学期就是LEVEL3),怎么帮她提高写作?她写的东西拼写,语法错误很多,而且不会用标点符号。
    • 可以参加补习班?另外,提高写作的一个途径就是增加阅读,这是一个编辑告诉我的。
    • 一年级不需要那么完美,能写完整句子,知道用豆

      write simple but complete sentences;
      correctly form the plural of single-syllable words (e.g., ball/balls, dog/dogs);

      use a period at the end of a statement;
      use a comma after a salutation in a letter or note (e.g., Dear Mom,);

      correctly spell words identified by the teacher (on charts/lists posted in the room and on individual word lists);
      use phonics to spell unfamiliar words;
      use capitals to begin sentences and to differentiate certain words (the pronoun I, names, days of the week, and months);
      Word Use and Vocabulary Building

      use words from their oral vocabulary as well as less familiar words from class- displayed word lists;
      Visual Presentation

      print legibly (capitals and small letters);
      leave spaces between words
      • 我女儿倒是经常按照发音去拼写,可拼得好多都是错的。她现在阅读水平明显的提高,但写作不明显。是不是我太着急了,学了一年英语的孩子都这样?拼写,语法以后就会好的?
        • 其实你大可不必紧张她的英语。
          我女儿也是一年级的时候来的加拿大。我记得她入学的时候已经是10月底了。(不好意思,偶给她倒时差就倒了半个月:)暑假前的Report Card 都是B,但还是按ESL标准评的。暑假我们到东京玩了整整两个月,完全脱离英语环境。到Grade Two 开学后的第一个作文整个是一流水帐,而且拼写,语法错得一塌糊涂。但是她的老师真的是极具耐心,给偶女儿的评语是,Catherine, it seems that you had a very busy summer vacation. I like Tokyo too. 第二个作文是写自己的, 写自己如何是Uniqe 的。偶家这位小姐写得更是文不对题,词不达意。但老师仍然说,Fantastic! you are very funny! 就是这样老师一路鼓励,再加上我家小女爱看书,所以二年级寒假时她得到 Creative Writer 的称号。
          • I have the same problem.请问您女儿刚刚来的时候怎么进行阅读的?您用英语读原文给她听, 还是用中文讲解?谢谢.
            • 最好到图书馆借些有磁带的Picture Book。 当然先用中文给她讲意思,然后再放带子给她听。