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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

谢谢,下面是我的LIST. 请帮看下.我要准备些什么? 另外我在成绩单只有中文件盖有学校大印.英文件用公证中行不行? salaries tax assessment for past 3 years .是不是只是供投资移民用的?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛. Valiad passpord or Certificate of Identify.
2. Identity Cards
3. Birth and Marriage Certificates.
4. if you or your spouse has beeb divorced, the original court Divorce
doucuments for each divorce, and any child custody documents.
5. if your spouse or other dependant are deceased, Death Certificate.
6. If you are coming from Taiwan or the PRC, your family's Household
7. If a relative in Canada is supporting your application, documentary
evidence of your relationship to that person.
8. other documents that will verify the information you have provided on the application form, including professional training and trade
certificates for yourselff and accomppanying family members over the age off 18.
9. School records for you and all accompanying family members over the age of 18.
10.Reference letters from your present and precious employers with detailed job descriptions stating length of employment, positions held,number of years in each position, and description of duties.
11 proof of your financial resource and properry holdings, Proof of your ownership of these assets will also be required.
12. Employer's return remuneration and pensions, and salaries tax assessment for past 3 years .
13. Other.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 紧急求助!!! 面试时,是不是要提供户口公证?户口公证如何来办?公证处的人说没有做过这种公证.只有居住地公证.
    • 有没有人答我啊.
      • 带上你的户口本原件,不需公证
        • 多谢,可我的是集体户口的,只有一张卡片.
    • 面试通知上让你带哪些材料,你就必须带哪些。如果没明确要求你公正户口,就不用做。为保险起见,带上户口卡也无妨。
      • 除了以前所有做过的公证带去外.另外还有什么特别的要求? 是了.我的大学成绩单原件也要带去吗?
        • 如果方便就带上吧,带多了没坏处。不过,我再说一遍:关键是面世通知上写没写让你加什么材料?
          • 谢谢,下面是我的LIST. 请帮看下.我要准备些什么? 另外我在成绩单只有中文件盖有学校大印.英文件用公证中行不行? salaries tax assessment for past 3 years .是不是只是供投资移民用的?
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛. Valiad passpord or Certificate of Identify.
            2. Identity Cards
            3. Birth and Marriage Certificates.
            4. if you or your spouse has beeb divorced, the original court Divorce
            doucuments for each divorce, and any child custody documents.
            5. if your spouse or other dependant are deceased, Death Certificate.
            6. If you are coming from Taiwan or the PRC, your family's Household
            7. If a relative in Canada is supporting your application, documentary
            evidence of your relationship to that person.
            8. other documents that will verify the information you have provided on the application form, including professional training and trade
            certificates for yourselff and accomppanying family members over the age off 18.
            9. School records for you and all accompanying family members over the age of 18.
            10.Reference letters from your present and precious employers with detailed job descriptions stating length of employment, positions held,number of years in each position, and description of duties.
            11 proof of your financial resource and properry holdings, Proof of your ownership of these assets will also be required.
            12. Employer's return remuneration and pensions, and salaries tax assessment for past 3 years .
            13. Other.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 我记得我带了这些,你的情况可能与我的不同。
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Valiad passpord or Certificate of Identify.
              2. Identity Cards
              3. Birth and Marriage Certificates.

              4. if you or your spouse has beeb divorced, the original court Divorce
              doucuments for each divorce, and any child custody documents.

              5. if your spouse or other dependant are deceased, Death Certificate.

              6. If you are coming from Taiwan or the PRC, your family's Household

              7. If a relative in Canada is supporting your application, documentary
              evidence of your relationship to that person.

              8. other documents that will verify the information you have provided on the application form, including professional training and trade
              certificates for yourselff and accomppanying family members over the age off 18.
              -- 有什么带什么。

              9. School records for you and all accompanying family members over the age of 18.

              10.Reference letters from your present and precious employers with detailed job descriptions stating length of employment, positions held,number of years in each position, and description of duties.

              11 proof of your financial resource and properry holdings, Proof of your ownership of these assets will also be required.

              12. Employer's return remuneration and pensions, and salaries tax assessment for past 3 years .

              13. Other. 尽可能带上你能带的文件,不一定公证。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 谢谢了 3. Birth and Marriage Certificates. 我的出生证原件是单位开的.已经做了公证.这应该没有问题吧.
                • 我觉得凡是有公证的就应该没问题,
                  • thanks,你真是个热心人.
                  • 又有新问题了.资金证明有时限的吗?我下个月面试了.可在开证明时有点小麻烦..现在开晚吗?到时如何解释?