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My view...

You may see improvement in a month or two if you really try hard, employ the effective way of learning along with a fairly good command of English. Unlike business related positions, IT jobs usually don't require excellent verbal skills as long as you are capable to read and write well, and orally make yourself understood. I know a few IT guys which are far less qualified than me in terms of English specially spoken but they found their jobs quickly and are doing well. Don't be scared. Language is not really the number one issue. The skills required play the key role.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 各位前辈,赴加后多久口语水平才有显著提高?都是在ESL培训的吗?网络(系统)管理员/数据库管理员是不是对口语要求很高?程序员一般对口语要求低些叭?
    • Naturally you'll improve your oral Eng. while you're living here. Every job in IT field requires good communication skills.
      • 偶主要是问抵加后多久,自己感觉口语水平会有显著的提高?当然每人的基础不同,偶只问一般情况下几个月后生活英语和专业英语会达到能和加人正常交流的水平?
        • My view...
          You may see improvement in a month or two if you really try hard, employ the effective way of learning along with a fairly good command of English. Unlike business related positions, IT jobs usually don't require excellent verbal skills as long as you are capable to read and write well, and orally make yourself understood. I know a few IT guys which are far less qualified than me in terms of English specially spoken but they found their jobs quickly and are doing well. Don't be scared. Language is not really the number one issue. The skills required play the key role.
          • 谢谢你.前不久看了一个英语极其留利的人找SAP顾问工作困难重重的事例,让偶担心许多.看来除了实力是硬道理以外,机遇还是很重要的.
            • You are right. Landing a desired position usually requires a good combination of adequate knowledge/skills, strong English capacity and luckiness.