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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

地址在sheppard & kenedy (north east corner)


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / 头发长了,又黄又干,想减短发。是不是有型的短发都得要烫啊?我的干黄头发实在不能再烫了。有什么简便又有型的短发推荐吗?最好有图片参考的。多谢JM们了:-)
    • 同问。不过到目前为止还没有人理睬,最近大家的注意力都在“社会”那里,再等等吧。
      我从小到大一直留长发,样子看起来不够成熟,很想换个发型。请JM们推荐一个理发师擅长把长发改短,并且可以结合脸型设计短发型的?大概需要多少呢?最好在士嘉宝或万锦、烈治文山。谢谢提供信息的热心人。 -s007(潇洒走一回); 7.24 23:12 (#12046@28)
      • Raymond, time square, hwy7/leslie, 905-771-8990 $55 haircut
        • 谢谢!
        • My aunt go that place every month, she said it's $50. Is it 55 now?
        • 这家叫什么名字?剪短发手艺很好吗? 有什么特点?
          • I have never tried this one. But since it's doubled the regual price, it'd better be good. It shows phone number upstairs, you can call and ask for their name.
      • 请问剪了没有, 好不好? 贴个图看看? 我也在找短发型的理发师, 发愁。谢谢啦!
      • 为什么注意“社会”那里啊?怎么我找不到 社会的?
    • 长头发是最容易变花样的,可以盘发很显成熟的,剪掉就再也长不回来了。
      • 最多两年而已啦
    • 我和你一样为头发烦恼,前两周终于下决心剪了短发,感觉还算满意:)
    • 剪短头发就不sexy喽, 想清楚哦^^
      • 不是吧?Sexy不Sexy和头发没有什么关系吧?短发可以是很酷的。Cool is better than sexy.
        • thats sooo not true:)
          • Are you a man? A lot of men long hair gals.
            • u missed the most important word :)
              • Oh yeah, "A lot of men love long hair gals". But you still got it.
                • some women dun get it.. :)hv to let them know
                  • Who the heck are you? The God?--men-made god? down to earth to enlighten women? Please don't humiliate yourself here.
                  • That's only your opinion. Agree or not agree, people don't have to agree. And say "D" word to that girl, I called it silly....You got the hit already, you deserve it.
                • This is such silly simple-mined generalization. How many men did you consult?
          • Oh, yah? 你的证据是什么?一个人是不是性感, 是脸,身材,眼神,气质,谈吐,学识,穿着(发型也许)等等的综合反映, 和头发的长度没有直接的关系。
        • 长发还是狠有吸引力地,以前我长发的时候,LG高兴了还帮我梳头呢,剪了短发就没有这种待遇了。
          • 那么,你老公是喜欢你这个人呢--还是头发?This is a good question to ask yourself.
            • 我的幽默你看不懂实在太遗憾了。你的问题嘛,真是问得没有女人味。女人就是女人,女人要有女人的情怀,抬杠的女人是最不可爱的。
          • No offence though.
      • 长发是偶的最爱....但是发质好是前提.
    • 女生们,要剪短发的尽量剪,短发清凉又省时。我的短发型保持了很多年, I am always one of the most popular girls and I married a handsome man who loves me for the way I am. So, just ignore those nonsense-like “sexy” talk.
      • i so admire u:)
    • hi,this is hairstylist' phone in mississauga:9052753601OR 4168386248.
    • 容尚发廊的师傅是同一首歌和星宝贝,多伦多亚裔小姐的发型师,收费才$12,
      • 地址在sheppard & kenedy (north east corner)
        • rainiherby(水源泉香),请问有这位容尚发廊师傅的电话吗?她/他的名字呢?谢谢啦!
          • 416 2935017,尹文华