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some information according to my understanding of your situation

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according to the current regulation.
a person has to be in Canada for 183 days in one year PERIOD. this one year period is not refering to the calender year. for example, you stays Jan to Jun in one year, then leave on July, and you want to return at May the second year, you have exceeded the time limite, unless you have the returning paper.

For your case, since you have the returning paper till May this year, you won't be worry before it expired. But the new regulations has no mentioning of the case you are facing: your PR status will be lost if you does not return to Canada before expired of your returnign paper according to the current regulation. Only the immigration department can answer your question.

The safest way to do is to return to Canada before expired of your returning paper and wait for the new act in action.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 新法真的确定了吗?假如有个人在国内呆到今年6月28号刚好180天,还有3天就过期了,那他6月28以后还可以回加拿大吗??新移民法是确实执行吗?如果能回来的话,那其实今年2月开始,大家都可以回国了是吗?谁能给个确切答案?
    • 我认为根据旧法,只要从登陆之日起,每个自然年在加拿大累计住满183天就可维持移民身份。你是去年11月登陆的吗?如果是,我想你可以回国,但最好不要在国内超过半年。
      • 我是去年4月登陆的,6月回国,12月又来,已经离开加拿大快183天了,这样的话,我如果2月回去的话,按照旧法的话,我就已经失去身份了,但我有到5月的返加证,所以新法如果6月28执行新法的话,我就可以回来了是吗?
        • 你的问题太复杂,还是请个高手来解释吧。另外,既然你有到今年五月的返加证,那你为什么去年12月就回来?
          • 我回来的时候返加证都没寄来。我回来后才寄来的。
    • some information according to my understanding of your situation
      sorry, no chinese input software, can only view :(
      according to the current regulation.
      a person has to be in Canada for 183 days in one year PERIOD. this one year period is not refering to the calender year. for example, you stays Jan to Jun in one year, then leave on July, and you want to return at May the second year, you have exceeded the time limite, unless you have the returning paper.

      For your case, since you have the returning paper till May this year, you won't be worry before it expired. But the new regulations has no mentioning of the case you are facing: your PR status will be lost if you does not return to Canada before expired of your returnign paper according to the current regulation. Only the immigration department can answer your question.

      The safest way to do is to return to Canada before expired of your returning paper and wait for the new act in action.
      • hmmm.....I think you are right. Thank you so much for your reply.